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EO III   Organization of the Faculty

By virtue of the authority granted him or her by the Board of Regents under its resolution of May 19, 1956 (Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article IV), and in conformity with the statutes of the state (RCW 28B.20.02028B.20.130(2) and (5), and 28B.20.200), the President recommends that the faculty of the University:

  1. Determine, with the approval of the President, its own organization and constitution, and
  2. Adopt its own by-laws and rules of procedure, for the purpose of exercising the powers and performing the duties delegated to it or vested in it by statute.

May 31, 1956; January 30, 2004.

* This executive order was originally unnumbered in the University Handbook.

For related information, see:

  • Executive Order No. II, “Authorization for the Faculty to Share in the Formulation of Rules”
  • Executive Order No. IV, “Legislative Authority of the Faculty”
  • Executive Order No. V, “Faculty Authority Concerning Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure”
  • Faculty Code and GovernanceChapter 13, “The University Faculty”