- The director or chair of a department (including departmental-level programs) is responsible to the dean of a school or college for the educational and administrative affairs of the department. In administrative matters, the director or chair:
- Is the representative, through the dean, of the President and also of the department faculty, and
- Is responsible for observance of the policies of the University by the department.
- The director or chair shall preside at the meetings of the department.
- In accord with established procedures, particularly those prescribed by the Faculty Code Chapters 23, 24, and 25, and Executive Orders VI, VII, VIII, 45 and 64, the director or chair:
- Prepares and transmits to the dean the recommendations of the department, and any separate recommendations, upon matters of personnel and budget;
- Evaluates the educational activities of the department, formulates plans for its future development, and transmits these evaluations and plans to the dean for appropriate action; and
- Keeps the dean informed of all departmental matters of concern to the college or school.
- In the operation of an interdisciplinary program, the director or chair of the participating faculty group shall report to the dean having principal administrative authority in the same manner that the director or chair of a department reports to the dean in a departmentalized school or college. The director or chair has the additional responsibility of furnishing information regarding program details to the other deans who are directly concerned with the operation of the program.
May 31, 1956; February 21, 1978.
* This executive order was originally unnumbered in the University Handbook.
For related information, see:
- Executive Order No. 4, “The Provost”
- Executive Order No. 12, “The Deans”
- Executive Order No. 14, “Chancellor, UW Bothell and UW Tacoma”
- Executive Order No. 16, “The Board of Deans and Chancellors”
- Executive Order No. 20, “Administrative Appointments, Review of Administrative Appointments, and Review of Academic Units”