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EO 7   The Vice President for Minority Affairs

  1. The Vice President for Minority Affairs directs and coordinates all activities of the Office of Minority Affairs and serves as the principal assistant and advisor to the President on all matters relating to and serving the interest of underrepresented minority students and students who are educationally/economically disadvantaged, and to institutional issues that relate to diversity.
  2. As the principal administrator of the programs that ensure a diverse student population, the Vice President for Minority Affairs is responsible for the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the Educational Opportunity Program, including its statewide high school and community college recruitment program; the Instructional Center; the Early Identification Program; the Educational Talent Search, Upward Bound, and the Early Scholars Outreach Program. The activities of these programs are coordinated with colleges, schools, and departments of the University, and other campus agencies that have responsibility for meeting the needs of minority and disadvantaged students, including recruitment, admissions, orientation, academic and personal advising, financial aid, fund development, tutoring, and social and cultural activities. Faculty advice is sought from the Office of Minority Affairs Policy Advisory Board, and student advice from the Office of Minority Affairs Student Advisory Board.
  3. The Vice President for Minority Affairs establishes and maintains affiliations with governmental and non-governmental organizations and agencies having a responsibility for and an interest in programs or projects designed to serve the needs of minorities and educationally/economically disadvantaged persons, especially those from the historically oppressed ethnic minorities. Advisory service is provided to a number of campus, state, and local governmental agencies and civic groups in matters related to the improvement of educational and employment opportunities for ethnic minorities and disadvantaged students.
  4. The major divisions of responsibility of the Vice President for Minority Affairs are as follows:
    1. Administration, Finance, and Supportive Services
      1. The Office of Minority Affairs coordinates and directs the recruitment, admission, orientation, personal counseling, and academic advising activities of the Office of Minority Affairs; directs the planning, preparation, justification, and management of the biennial budget and campus and off-campus fund-raising projects; develops the organization and staffing requirements necessary to support the Office of Minority Affairs; and designs, develops, and evaluates other special support programs.
      2. The Ethnic Cultural Center and Theater Complex, with assistance from the Student Advisory Board, promotes cultural and social activities for minority and educationally/economically disadvantaged students.
      3. The Instructional Center (IC) provides wide-ranging tutorial and instructional assistance and special programs for the improvement of math, science, reading, and writing skills of students in the Educational Opportunity Program.
      4. The Early Scholars Outreach Program (ESOP) is a partnership program with middle schools in the state. The ESOP provides tutoring and mentoring for middle school students.
      5. The Upward Bound, Student Support Services, and Talent Search programs provide for academic skill development and career development of students in middle schools, high schools, and at the University of Washington. These programs are funded from the Department of Education under the Trio program.
      6. The Early Identification Program (EIP) provides for access to graduate and professional schools for underrepresented minority students.
    2. Graduate and Professional Students Programs

      In cooperation with the Dean of the Graduate School, the Vice President for Health Sciences, and the deans of the professional schools, the Vice President for Minority Affairs develops and coordinates special programs in support of minority graduate and professional students.

June 1, 1972; February 21, 1978; October 1, 1982; September 24, 1996.

For additional delegations of authority, see:

  • Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article V, “Officers of the University”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 1, “Delegation of Authority”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 6, “Authority for Washington Administrative Code Rule Making”
  • Executive Order No. 1, “The Office of the President”
  • Executive Order No. 4, “The Provost”
  • Executive Order No. 6, “The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), UW Medicine and Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Washington”
  • Executive Order No. 11, “The Vice President for External Affairs”
  • Executive Order No. 12, “The Deans”
  • Executive Order No. 14, “Chancellor, UW Bothell and UW Tacoma”
  • Executive Order No. 18, “The University Ombud”
  • Executive Order No. 62, “The Vice President for University Advancement”
  • Administrative Orders: Delegations of Authority