This policy is intended to provide basic information to members of the campus community about the ways in which the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the causative factor leading to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), is transmitted. It is also designed to make the academic community aware of the fundamental principles which will govern University-sponsored clinical and educational activities relating to HIV infection and AIDS and to ensure that confirmed or suspected cases of infection are managed appropriately.
Extensive medical research indicates that the HIV is not transmitted through casual contact. Transmission requires intimate sexual contact or exposure to needles associated with intravenous drug abuse, to blood or blood products, or to other body fluids. Accordingly, legal and ethical considerations militate against the adoption of any policies or courses of action which would deny ordinary privileges and rights, including that of privacy, to students, faculty, or staff members who are known or suspected to be infected with HIV.
The University shall disseminate accurate and objective educational information on HIV and AIDS to the campus community. The University will also make available to eligible persons appropriate clinical services, including testing and counseling, and shall make referrals as necessary to other health-care agencies.
Administrative responsibility for implementing this policy is assigned to the Director of Hall Health Center. The Director will be advised by a committee composed of the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, the Executive Director of Health Sciences Administration, the Director of Personnel Services, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and an ex officio representative of the Office of the Attorney General. The committee may call upon other members of the University community for assistance.
January 27, 1986; June 14, 1991; September 24, 1996.