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EO 37   University of Washington Public Art Commission

1.  General Policy

In order to encourage efforts to provide a pleasant and stimulating environment in which to carry out the University’s various academic responsibilities and to meet and serve the general public as well, the University seeks to acquire artwork for permanent and temporary display in its buildings and grounds.

The Campus Art Collection Committee was established in 1969 as advisory to the President to facilitate these efforts. The name of this committee was later changed to the University of Washington Public Art Commission (UWPAC). The primary purpose of this commission is to oversee the acquisition of artwork for the University campuses through the Washington State Arts Commission Art in Public Places Program (WSAC-AIPP). In addition, UWPAC is responsible for reviewing department-sponsored art programs and private gifts through its three subcommittees: the Campus Art Committee (for the Seattle campus and various smaller locations, such as Pack Forest and Friday Harbor); the UW Tacoma Art Committee (for the UW Tacoma campus); and the UW Bothell Art Committee (for the UW Bothell campus).

2.  Membership

The University of Washington Public Art Commission is composed of ten members, four of whom are nominated by the Washington State Arts Commission to serve when UWPAC meets to discuss projects developed through WSAC-AIPP. The Director of the Henry Art Gallery is the chair of UWPAC. At least one member is a student nominated to the position by the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) or by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). The remaining members are University faculty and staff.

The Campus Art Committee is composed of those members of UWPAC appointed by the President and representative(s) from ASUW and GPSS. The members of the UW Tacoma Art Committee and the UW Bothell Art Committee are appointed by their respective chancellors.

3.  Specific Functions

  1. To develop and maintain an inventory of all University-owned works of art, except those in the collections of the Henry Art Gallery, Burke Museum, or UW Medical Center and, in consultation with appropriate members of the University faculty and staff, to recommend to the President where art acquisitions will be displayed, to relocate them if necessary, and to maintain and ensure their security.
  2. To encourage University faculty, staff, students, and friends to donate works of art for permanent display in various outdoor areas, buildings, and other facilities of the University. UWPAC shall recommend to the President appropriate action for the acquisition and display of such gifts.
  3. To consider and to recommend to the President approval of art acquisitions through gift and purchase for permanent and/or temporary addition to the University’s art holdings, but not to include recommendations with respect to the Henry Art Gallery, Burke Museum, or UW Medical Center collections.

    UWPAC shall in appropriate cases consult with the Office of Development regarding installation or other costs associated with gifts of art.

    In particular, UWPAC shall coordinate art acquisition activities in new University buildings and remodeled University spaces. Moreover, UWPAC shall consult with the University’s Architectural Advisor, Campus Landscape Architect, and various consultants on building projects with respect to works of art proposed for acquisition for new or remodeled buildings and office.

  4. To represent the University, on behalf of the Board of Regents and the President, in matters relating to WSAC-AIPP in accordance with the guidelines established by the State Legislature for the administration of that program.

4.  Approval of Acquisitions

UWPAC shall recommend to the President all works of art to be acquired for the University, other than the holdings of the Henry Art Gallery, Burke Museum, or UW Medical Center, by gift, purchase, loan, or by acquisition through WSAC-AIPP, as well as make recommendations concerning the display of such works of art.

5.  Staff

UWPAC is staffed by the UW Campus Art Administrator who reports to the Director of the Henry Art Gallery.

November 7, 1969; June 25, 1987; May 21, 2008.

For related information, see:

  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 1, Sections 8 and 9, “Gift Evaluation and Acceptance” and “Disposition of Gifts”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 3, “Gifts to the University”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Regent Policy No. 50, “Naming Policy”
  • Executive Order No. 41, “Gifts to the University”
  • Administrative Order No. 5, “Delegated Authority for Gifts to the University”
  • Employment and Administrative PoliciesChapter 205, “Campus Art Policies”