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EO 12   The Deans

  1. The separately organized colleges and schools established by action of the Board of Regents, as well as the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs and the University Libraries, are headed by academic administrators as follows:
    • Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
    • Dean of the College of Built Environments
    • Dean of the Michael G. Foster School of Business
    • Dean of the School of Dentistry
    • Dean of the College of Education
    • Dean of the College of Engineering
    • Dean of the College of the Environment
    • Dean of the Graduate School
    • Dean of the Information School
    • Dean of the School of Law
    • Dean of the School of Medicine
    • Executive Dean of the School of Nursing
    • Dean of the School of Pharmacy
    • Dean of the Daniel Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
    • Dean of the School of Public Health
    • Dean of the School of Social Work
    • Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
    • Dean of University Libraries
  2. The deans are responsible to the Provost for all matters relating to the educational, budgetary, and administrative affairs of their units. In these matters the dean:
    1. Is the representative of the Provost and also of the faculty in the college or school or the librarians of the University Libraries; and
    2. Is responsible for faithful observance by the college, school, or University Libraries of the general policies of the University.
  3. The deans have direct access to the Provost and President to report on developments or special problems in the college, school, or University Libraries. The interests of all units are best served by maintaining constant contact with the Provost, President, or the appropriate vice provost or vice president as indicated in the functional outlines of their responsibilities described in Executive Orders No. 4No. 6No. 7, No. 11, and No. 62 and Administrative Orders No. 9 and No. 10.
  4. In accordance with established procedures, particularly those prescribed by Faculty Code Chapters 2324, and 25, and, when appropriate, in accordance with Executive Order No. 20, Section 2, Subsection D, the deans of schools and colleges:
    1. Shall transmit to the President, the Provost, or the appropriate vice provost or vice president recommendations concerning personnel and budget; and
    2. Shall evaluate the educational activities of the college or school and formulate plans for its future development.
  5. The planning and coordination of the academic program throughout the University is a major administrative responsibility shared largely between the Provost and the deans of schools and colleges. Proposals for new academic programs usually result from the initiative of individuals and groups throughout the University. The development and implementation of such new programs frequently require coordinated attention by a number of affected components of the University; hence any new program which involves or may involve two or more schools or colleges should be directed early to the Provost so that the matter may be referred to the appropriate deans of schools and colleges for review and discussion in preliminary as well as later stages.
  6. For interdisciplinary programs which involve two or more schools or colleges, the Provost shall be responsible for coordination but may delegate to one of the respective deans the principal administrative authority for supervision of the coordinated program.
  7. The Dean of the University Libraries is responsible for the library facilities on all University campuses, with the exception of the Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library and the Elisabeth C. Miller Library in the Center for Urban Horticulture.

June 1, 1972; February 21, 1978; October 1, 1982; June 1, 1990; May 9, 2007; February 10, 2010; RC, November 16, 2010; April 12, 2018.

For additional delegations of authority, see:

  • Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article V, “Officers of the University”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 1, “Delegation of Authority”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 6, “Authority for Washington Administrative Code Rule Making”
  • Executive Order No. 1, “The Office of the President”
  • Executive Order No. 4, “The Provost”
  • Executive Order No. 6, “The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), UW Medicine and Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Washington”
  • Executive Order No. 7, “The Vice President for Minority Affairs”
  • Executive Order No. 11, “The Vice President for External Affairs”
  • Executive Order No. 14, “Chancellor, UW Bothell and UW Tacoma”
  • Executive Order No. 18, “The University Ombud”
  • Executive Order No. 62, “The Vice President for University Advancement”
  • Administrative Orders: Delegations of Authority

For related information, see:

  • Executive Order No. I, “Directors and Chairs”
  • Executive Order No. 16, “The Board of Deans and Chancellors”
  • Executive Order No. 20, “Administrative Appointments, Review of Administrative Appointments, and Review of Academic Units”