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AO 7   The Senior Vice President for Planning and Management

1. Institutional Role

The Senior Vice President for Planning and Management is a participant in planning and policy making for the University of Washington as a whole, and shares a major responsibility with the President, the Provost and Executive Vice President, and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Facilities for representing the University in political, business, and civic affairs. The Senior Vice President for Planning and Management leads and participates in efforts guiding and supporting the University’s strategic processes; advises on financial initiatives, cost analyses and budget forecasting and allocations; oversees institutional activities pertaining to the development, improvement, and building renewal of all University capital assets, including leased; and implements University strategic initiatives and priorities as identified by the Board of Regents, the President, the Provost, and other leaders.

2. External Role

The responsibility for these functions of the Senior Vice President for Planning and Management extends beyond the University to the interinstitutional level as a University representative; to the state and national level in consultation with governmental agencies, the Legislature and its committees; and to regional and national professional associations related to these responsibilities. The Senior Vice President for Planning and Management participates with other University officers in maintaining liaison with community, city, and county representatives on matters pertaining to the University.

3. Unit Responsibilities

Budgeting, capital planning and development, strategy management, and special projects are divided into functional groups and departments headed by individuals with the authority to conduct operations as delegated by the Senior Vice President for Planning and Management.

A. Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB)

The Assistant Vice Provost for the Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB) supports the University community in accomplishing its goals through the planning and allocation of financial resources, and providing analysis and information services to enhance University decision-making, planning, and policy formation. Units include the following:

1) The Budget Office

The Budget Office assists the Provost by monitoring and maintaining the University’s operating budget and by managing allocations for all GOF/DOF revenue. The office provides budget-related reports to the administration and the Board of Regents, and responds to ad-hoc requests for budget and/or expenditure data. It analyzes units’ requests for revisions to their budgets and makes recommendations to the Senior Vice President for Planning and Management and the Provost regarding approval. The Office also conducts policy analysis and review and is often consulted as an expert in the financial and budget areas. The office manages and provides critical support to campuses, colleges, schools, and administrative organizations in all areas of budgets and fiscal planning.

2) Institutional Analysis (IA)

Institutional analysis (IA) is responsible for providing quantitative analyses and predictive models that support the planning activities of University administration. The office responds to a wide variety of internal and external requests for information about students, faculty, and staff, and other key areas of the University. In addition, IA provides analytic support for the planning, evaluation, and policy initiatives of senior leadership and acts as the institution’s reporting agent. IA is also responsible for management and documentation of the Activity Based Budgeting unit-level tuition allocation model.

3) State Budget and Policy Analysis

The State Budget and Policy Analysis unit provides the Provost and other University decision-makers with budget and policy research needed to inform policy choices. This office produces policy and budget briefs; tracks and evaluates bills during the state legislative session; provides fiscal analyses of bills during legislative session; and maintains OPB’s blog.

B. Capital Planning and Development

The leader of Capital Planning and Development plans, organizes, directs, controls, and oversees services for:

  • Acquisition, disposition, and asset management of real property;
  • Establishing an integrating vision of the physical campus landscape and facilities, and articulating the associated capital plan and budget;
  • Allocation of space, and long-range University planning;
  • Formulation and allocation of capital budgets;
  • Protection of University resources and personnel against legal liability and certain property losses, programs to prevent or reduce such losses, and oversight of internal complaint investigations; and
  • Project management for construction, remodeling, and renovation of University facilities; oversight of programming, feasibility studies, design, and project estimation; and coordination of the University’s Small Works Roster program.

Units include the following:

1) Office of the University Architect

The Office of the University Architect is the University’s physical and capital planning office. It establishes an integrated vision of the physical campus landscape and facilities, and articulates the associated capital plan and budget. Its staff of planners, designers, and policy analysts provide leadership, counsel, and oversight regarding campus planning, landscape and architectural design, strategic sustainability and energy planning, and space and capital resource planning for the University’s three campuses and associated properties.

2) UW Real Estate (UWRE)

UW Real Estate (UWRE) provides strategic asset management and comprehensive real estate services that align with the University’s institutional goals. This includes property transactions, asset management, property management, project management, tenant services, disposition of real estate gifts, property rights management, finance and accounting, lease administration, rent collection/payment, reporting and information management. Real estate services are provided for all three University campuses, medical centers, research field stations, biological preserves, and various off-campus and international locations.

3) Capital Projects Office (CPO)

Within the Capital Projects Office (CPO), the Major Project Group, Strategic Programs Group, and Small Projects Delivery team are responsible for the successful and timely completion of all capital projects. Included are all three University campuses, Harborview, and major projects at other locations. The Major Project Group is responsible for the successful and timely completion of all projects having total costs of $10 million or greater, as well as selectively assigned smaller projects. The Strategic Programs Group is responsible for the successful and timely completion of all projects with a total cost of less than $10 million. CPO’s Safety Office is responsible for the facilitation of safe work environments and programs for University staff, students, faculty, and visitors at CPO managed construction locations. This office collaborates and interfaces with CPO contractors and subcontractors to support those firms as they manage their safe worksites. CPO’s in-house design group operates on a fee-for-service basis. This multidisciplinary group of architects, engineers, designers, and managers provides a full range of design services to all University departments and campuses. The Business Services Group is responsible for services to CPO projects including Architect/Engineer Partnership and Diversity Programs, Accounting, Contracting, Estimating Environmental Planning, Information Management, Program Enhancement, Project Control, and Sustainability. This team provides financial information to the University’s Office of Planning and Budgeting and the Finance and Facilities units, providing legislative fiscal notes as requested, business services coordination with other state agencies, providing capital project information to UW External Affairs, and internal control within CPO.

C. University Strategy Management

The Associate Vice President for University Strategy Management is responsible for providing strategic planning and implementation on behalf of the University, identifying and conducting initiatives to improve service and efficiency across the University, and the monitoring and reporting of improvement. Units include the following:

1) Organizational Excellence (OE)

Organizational Excellence (OE) helps University campuses, schools, colleges, academic-support and administrative units improve their organizational effectiveness by providing organizational development expertise, building skills, and capacity within and across units, and sharing ideas and best practices with the University community.

2) Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (ESS)

Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (ESS) is responsible for supporting the University’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) goals reported to the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment. ESS supports the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC), Climate Action Plan implementation, and coordinates the University’s sustainability fund. ESS provides extensive communications, including sustainability publications, digital and social media outreach, and planning of events for faculty, students, and staff.

3) Business Diversity Program

The Business Diversity Program proactively engages and supports the full range of business enterprises, including small, minority-, and women-owned businesses to ensure inclusion and provide the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in competition for any and all procurement and contracting by the University.

D. Special Projects

The Associate Vice President for Special Projects supports various initiatives and projects both internal and external to the University, as directed by the Senior Vice President for Planning and Management.

December 12, 2014.

For additional delegations of authority, see:

  • Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article V, “Officers of the University”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 1, “Delegation of Authority”
  • Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 6, “Authority for Washington Administrative Code Rule Making”
  • Executive Order No. 1, “The Office of the President”
  • Executive Order No. 4, “The Provost”
  • Executive Order No. 6, “The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), UW Medicine and Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Washington”
  • Executive Order No. 7, “The Vice President for Minority Affairs”
  • Executive Order No. 11, “The Vice President for External Affairs”
  • Executive Order No. 12, “The Deans”
  • Executive Order No. 14, “Chancellor, UW Bothell and UW Tacoma”
  • Executive Order No. 18, “The University Ombud”
  • Executive Order No. 62, “The Vice President for University Advancement”
  • Administrative Orders: Delegations of Authority