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FCG Chapter 42 Faculty Councils (The Standing Committees of the University Faculty) and Their Duties

Section  42-31   The Faculty Councils

  1. As the principal advisory bodies to the Senate there shall be the following faculty councils:
    1. The Faculty Council on Academic Standards;
    2. The Faculty Council on Faculty Affairs;
    3. The Faculty Council on Research;
    4. The Faculty Council on Student Affairs;
    5. The Faculty Council on Campus Planning and Stewardship;
    6. The Faculty Council on University Libraries;
    7. The Faculty Council on Benefits and Retirement;
    8. The Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy;
    9. The Faculty Council on Gender, Equity, and Justice;
    10. The Faculty Council on Race, Equity, and Justice;
    11. The Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning.
    12. The Faculty Council on Information Technology and Cybsecurity.
  2. Faculty councils may be abolished and created only by amendment to the Faculty Code.
  3. Faculty councils are responsible to the Executive Committee of the Senate.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-B 119, December 17, 1971; S-A 43, November 14, 1972; S-A 50, January 22, 1976; S-A 72, March 1, 1985; S-A 78, December 14, 1988; S-A  85, May 27, 1992; S-A 89, April 8, 1994; S-A 90, May 17, 1994; S-A 96, December 4, 1996; S-A 104, April 9, 2001; S-A 113, February 24, 2005; S-A 114, June 9, 2005: all with Presidential approval; RC, September 23, 2009; S-A 121, April 16, 2010; S-A 123, May 27, 2010; S-A 155, June 29, 2021; S-A 156, June 29, 2021; S-A 158, January 14, 2022: all with Presidential approval.

Section 42-32   Appointment of Faculty Councils

  1. Because the faculty councils will be concerned with broad problems of policy relating to matters of University government, the basic qualifications of appointees should include a broad familiarity with the problems of University government, an understanding of the particular problems of the faculty within the framework of the University, and a familiarity with the substance of the particular areas of council responsibility.
  2. The Executive Committee shall nominate and the Senate shall approve the appointment of the chairs and members of faculty councils.
  3. At the beginning of each academic year the roster of each faculty council shall be published in the Class C Bulletin. Subsequent changes during the academic year shall also be published in the Class C Bulletin.
  4. The Executive Committee may determine the size of faculty councils from year to year, provided that it make every effort to confine each council to the size required for the effective discharge of its responsibilities. The Executive Committee also will make every effort to include at least one member representing both UW Bothell and UW Tacoma on all of the councils.

    The Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy shall consist of an equal number of at-large members from the Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma campuses; and as ex officio with vote: the Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Vice Chair of the General Faculty Organization, and the Vice Chair of the Faculty Assembly; and as ex officio without vote: the Faculty Legislative Representative and the Deputy Legislative Representative. The at-large members from UW Bothell and UW Tacoma shall be designated by the General Faculty Organization and by the Faculty Assembly, respectively.

  5. Council members shall serve three-year terms and may be appointed to serve a second consecutive term. Appointments become effective at the beginning of the academic year. When an appointment is made to fill a position vacated during the academic year, the appointment shall be made as specified in Chapter 41, Section 41-33.
  6. Faculty council members shall be deemed to have vacated their seats when they have been absent from three council meetings in an academic year. Council members are considered absent only if they fail, prior to a meeting, to inform the chair of the faculty council or the faculty council analyst of their inability to attend.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 35, June 17, 1970; S-A 50, January 22, 1976; S-A 104, April 9, 2001: all with Presidential approval; RC, April 22, 2010; S-A 144, March 1, 2019; S-A 155, June 29, 2021; S-A 168, July 17, 2023: all with Presidential approval.

Section 42-33   Duties, Responsibilities and Powers of Faculty Councils

  1. Faculty councils serve as deliberative and advisory bodies for all matters of University policy, and are primary forums for faculty-administrative interaction in determining that policy. Each faculty council within the area of its jurisdiction:
    1. Shall prepare for submission to the Senate through the Executive Committee all legislative proposals pertaining to matters set forth in Chapter 22, Section 22-32, Subsection A;
    2. Shall prepare for submission to the Senate through the Executive Committee any resolution passed at a faculty meeting falling under Chapter 21, Section 21-51, Subsection D;
    3. May on its own initiative prepare legislative proposals or resolutions for submission through the Executive Committee to the Senate;
    4. Shall submit to the Senate Chair any report, including annual reports, for transmission to the Senate through the Executive Committee;
    5. May receive and make appropriate recommendations, within the limits set forth in Chapter 22, Section 22-32, Subsection B, concerning any communication from a member of the faculty;
    6. May request such information and assistance as may be required in the effective pursuit of its duties;
    7. May appoint, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, such ad hoc committees as may be required for the effective pursuit of its work;
    8. Shall be responsible for providing information and for interpreting or obtaining interpretation of policy regarding matters falling under its jurisdiction;
    9. Shall receive reports or recommendations or resolutions from administrative or presidential committees in areas for which it is responsible, and, when appropriate, shall be invited to be represented on those committees.
  2. The Senate Chair, after consultation with the Executive Committee, shall decide which faculty council shall assume jurisdiction when jurisdictional responsibility may be unclear and shall arrange for coordination among councils in the event that a matter may fall within the responsibility of more than one council.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 43, November 14, 1972; S-A 67, December 5, 1983: all with Presidential approval.

Section 42-34   Faculty Council on Academic Standards

The Faculty Council on Academic Standards shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for matters of University policy relating to the academic affairs of the University, such as admissions policy, scholastic standards, university graduation requirements, and inter-institutional academic standards.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; Senate Executive Committee action, November 30, 1964; S-A 50, January 22, 1976; S-A 73, May 24, 1985: all with Presidential approval.

Section 42-36   Faculty Council on Faculty Affairs

The Faculty Council on Faculty Affairs shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to the interests of the faculty, such as appointment, tenure, promotion, professional leave, compensation (including salary and fringe benefits), academic freedom, standards of academic performance, and professional ethics.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964: with Presidential approval.

Section 42-37   Faculty Council on Research

The Faculty Council on Research shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to research and scholarship.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 85, May 27, 1992: both with Presidential approval; RC, April 29, 2014.

Section 42-38   Faculty Council on Student Affairs

The Faculty Council on Student Affairs shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to non-academic student affairs such as financial aid, housing, regulation of social affairs, eligibility rules, intercollegiate athletics, and general student welfare.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964 with Presidential approval.

Section 42-39   Faculty Council on Campus Planning and Stewardship

The Faculty Council on Campus Planning and Stewardship shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to campus planning and specifically for reviewing and advising the administration on all matters relating to the physical environment of the campuses and other properties as they contribute to and affect the mission, goals, and quality of life at the University, including those relating to capital project prioritization, planning, and development; inclusive project processes and design considerations; adequacy and continuous improvement of campus learning environments; maintenance and improvements of campus landscapes; and attention to transportation, mobility, and accessibility.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 158, January 14, 2022: both with Presidential approval.

Section 42-41   Faculty Council on University Libraries

The Faculty Council on University Libraries shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to libraries such as, but not limited to, collection development; services to students, faculty, and others; the system of libraries, including branch libraries; space needs; and budgetary requirements.

S-A 50, January 22, 1976 with Presidential approval.

Section 42-44   Faculty Council on Benefits and Retirement

The Faculty Council on Benefits and Retirement shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to faculty retirement, insurance and benefits.

S-A 89, April 8, 1994 with Presidential approval.

Section 42-46   Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy

The Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy shall be responsible for matters of academic and non-academic policy between and among the campuses of the University of Washington.

S-A 104, April 9, 2001 with Presidential approval.

Section 42-47   Faculty Council on Gender, Equity, and Justice

The Faculty Council on Gender, Equity, and Justice shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to the interests of gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

S-A 114, June 9, 2005 with Presidential approval; RC, September 23, 2009; S-A 156, June 29, 2021 with Presidential approval.

Section 42-48   Faculty Council on Race, Equity, and Justice

The Faculty Council on Race, Equity, and Justice shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to the interests of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) faculty.

S-A 114, June 9, 2005 with Presidential approval; RC, September 23, 2009; S-A 156, June 29, 2021 with Presidential approval.

Section 42-49   Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning

The Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy, both academic and non-academic, relating to improvement of teaching and learning in the University; including distance learning, continuing education, and Summer Quarter.

S-A 123, May 27, 2010 with Presidential approval; RC, October 27, 2017; S-A 155, June 29, 2021 with Presidential approval.

Section 42-50   Faculty Council on Information Technology and Cybersecurity

The Faculty Council on Information Technology and Security shall be responsible (as described in Section 42-33) for all matters of policy relating to Information Technology and Security such as technology used for teaching and learning; videoconferencing; technology relating to hiring, merit, and promotion; collection and use of data; and research.

S-A 155, June 29, 2021 with Presidential approval.