Section 41-31 Authority for Establishment and Control
[For authority to establish faculty councils and special or ad hoc committees, and for Senate powers relating thereto, see Chapter 21, Section 21-60, and Chapter 22, Sections 22-33 and 22-60. For other provisions see Chapter 21, Sections 21-61 to 21-63 and Chapter 42. (This section was entitled “Cross References” in 1956, 1964, and 1969.)]
Section 41-32 Rules of Procedure—Faculty Councils and Committees
- A faculty council or a special or ad hoc committee may adopt rules of procedure which are consistent with the provisions of the Board of Regents Governance, the Presidential Orders and the Faculty Code and Governance.
- A quorum consists of half the voting members of the faculty council or the faculty committee.
- The chair is entitled to cast a vote in reaching decisions.
- No rule of a faculty council or faculty committee which establishes procedure affecting a person outside the group, or requires action by such a person, shall be effective until it is approved by the Senate. A faculty council or a special or ad hoc faculty committee may propose to the Senate any legislation necessary for the proper functioning of the committee.
Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964: both with Presidential approval.
Section 41-33 Vacancies on Faculty Councils and Faculty Committees
When there is a vacancy in the membership of a faculty council or in a special or ad hoc faculty committee (as defined in Chapter 21, Section 21-60), the chair or the acting chair of the affected group shall report it to the Secretary of the Faculty who shall send notice of the vacancy to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall submit to the Senate at its next regular meeting either the nomination of an eligible person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term, or such other recommendation as it deems appropriate.
Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964: both with Presidential approval.
Section 41-34 Voting Powers of Members of Faculty Councils and Faculty Committees
- All members of the voting faculty appointed to faculty councils or to faculty committees in accord with Chapter 21, Section 21-61, Subsection A shall have the power to vote.
- Unless specifically designated by the Executive Committee at the time of nomination as a member “with vote,” a member of a faculty council or a faculty committee appointed in accord with Chapter 21, Section 21-61, Subsections B or C shall not have the power to vote.
Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 97, January 10, 1997: all with Presidential approval.
Section 41-35 Nomination and Election of Faculty Council Members and Faculty Committee Members
When the Executive Committee has presented its nominations for membership on a faculty council or a faculty committee, any senator may make additional nominations for membership. From the entire list of nominees for each faculty council or faculty committee, the Senate shall elect the number of members specified by the Executive Committee, except that if the Senate by a preliminary separate vote increases or decreases the authorized membership of a faculty council or faculty committee, the number of members elected shall be increased or decreased accordingly.
Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964: both with Presidential approval.