1. Explanation of Materials Published in this Resource
The resource known as the Board of Regents Governance contains the University of Washington’s Board of Regents’ Bylaws, Standing Orders, and various Regent Policies:
- Bylaws—This part provides the organizational structure by which the Board of Regents operates.
- Standing Orders—This part contains matters of continuing significance often reflected in the state statutes that give the Board of Regents its authority in governing the University.
- Regent Policies—This part contains those policies that historically have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Regents or that the Board wanted memorialized.
2. History of the Material Prior to Publication in this Resource
Prior to being published on the UW Policy Directory website beginning in December 2010, these materials were part of the University Handbook.
Volume 1 of the University Handbook contained selected state statutes, the Board of Regents’ Bylaws, and the Standing Orders. While the Bylaws and the Standing Orders were moved without change to the Board of Regents Governance resource, the state statutes are now available through Washington State’s Revised Code of Washington website including Chapter 28B.10 RCW, “Colleges and Universities Generally,” and Chapter 28B.20 RCW, “University of Washington.”
The Regent Policies were previously located in Volumes 2 and 4 of the University Handbook and interspersed among policies and administrative information from many different sections.
The University Handbook, published as a hard copy binder from 1969 until 1999, and as a standalone website from 1994 through December 2010, superseded the University’s Faculty Handbook. The Faculty Handbook was an earlier, annual publication of policy and administrative information.
3. History of Revisions, Source Abbreviations Used, and Information Related to these Materials
The revision history for each article of the Bylaws, each chapter of the Standing Orders, and each Regent policy is located at the end of that article, chapter, or policy, if known. “Confirmed” dates in the revision history indicate when the material was last reviewed and “confirmed” as accurate without revision.
Source abbreviations identify the authority or means by which these materials have been developed and revised. Source abbreviations used in the Board of Regents Governance history of revisions are as follows:
AI—Administrative Information: An informational statement prepared by a relevant University office or official of the administration.
BR—Board of Regents: An action or ruling of the Board of Regents.
RC—Rules Coordination: The University Policy & Rules Office publishes simple housekeeping amendments to the Board of Regents Governance that correct typographical errors; make address, name, or contact information changes; or clarify language without changing its effect. All housekeeping amendments to the Board of Regents Governance are first reviewed and approved by the Secretary of the Board of Regents.
Other relevant information related to these materials may be cited below any history of revisions.
4. Organization and Numbering Systems Used in this Resource
Each section of the Board of Regents Governance resource contains its own numbering system:
- The Bylaws include articles numbered in Roman numerals;
- The Standing Orders are arranged in chapters using Arabic numbers; and
- The Regent Policies are a series of policies assigned Arabic numbers.
5. How to Cite Material in this Resource
- Cite Bylaws for the Board of Regents as follows:
Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article #
For abbreviated text:
BRG, Bylaws, Article #
Example: Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article IV - Cite Standing Orders for the Board of Regents as follows:
Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter #
For abbreviated text:
BRG, Standing Orders, Chapter #
Example: Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 5 - Cite Regent Policies as follows:
Board of Regents Governance, Regent Policies, No. #
For abbreviated text:
BRG, Regent Policy No. #
Example: Board of Regents Governance, Regent Policy No. 2 - Cite sections or subsections of a Standing Order chapter or Regent policy as follows:
Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 7, Section 2.A
BRG, Regent Policy No. 3, Section 4 - If you are citing a Board of Regents’ Bylaw article, a Standing Orders chapter, or a Regent policy to those outside the University of Washington organization, add the words “University of Washington” or “UW” before the citation:
Example: UW Board of Regents Governance, Standing Orders, Chapter 1 - If you wish to include the title of the Bylaw article, Standing Orders chapter, or Regent policy in the citation, include it after the number identifying the article, chapter, or policy:
Example: Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article III, “Meetings of the Board”
6. How to Add New or Revise or Remove Existing Material Located in this Resource
All materials contained in the Board of Regents Governance resource are matters for the Board of Regents to adopt, revise, or repeal as action items before the full Board at one of its meetings. The University Policy & Rules Office is responsible for publishing the Board of Regents Governance materials as directed by the Secretary of the Board of Regents (see Executive Order No. 47). Contact the Office of the Board of Regents for more information.
May 22, 2017.