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APS 43.13 – Probation and Trial Service Policy for Classified Non-Union Staff

Table of Contents


(Approved by the Executive Vice President by authority of Administrative Order No. 9)

1.  Policy

The purpose of this policy is to comply with the requirements of WAC 357-19-090 by establishing the employer’s basis for determining and notifying an employee when a:

  1. Trial service period is required upon transfer, voluntary demotion, or elevation (WAC 357-19-030).
  2. Probationary or trial service period is extended (WAC 357-19-045 and 357-19-060).
  3. Probationary or trial service period is continued (WAC 357-19-070).

2.  Trial Service Period

A permanent employee will serve a trial service period following any of the following actions:

  • Appointment to a higher paying classification (“promotion”);
  • Appointment to a position in a different classification with the same salary range maximum as the current classification (“lateral move”);
  • Appointment to another position in the same classification (“transfer”);
  • Voluntarily accepting appointment to a lower paying classification (“voluntary demotion”).

The length of the trial service period will be as specified by the director of the Washington State Department of Personnel unless the University has extended the trial service period for a class or position as authorized by WAC 357-19-060.

3.  Extension of a Probation or Trial Service Period

The University may extend the probation or trial service period for an individual employee in an appointment, or for all employees in a class, up to a maximum of 12 months, as authorized by WAC 357-19-060. When the University extends the probation and/or trial service period for a class beyond that established by the director of the State Department of Personnel, the length of the probation and/or trial service will be published on the University’s website. When the probation or trial service period for an individual is extended, the individual will receive written notice of the extension, including the date on which the extended probation or trial service period ends.

The probation or trial period for a class or an individual position may be extended when the University determines that the length of the probation and trial period established by the director of the State Department of Personnel does not allow sufficient time for an individual to perform the full range of duties of the class. This may be for any of the following reasons:

  • The work of the class or the position is cyclical in nature with recurring periods of peak demand or work complexity, and the duration of the probation and trial periods established by the State Department of Personnel do not guarantee that such cyclic work periods will occur during the probation or trial period.
  • The work of the class or the position is episodic in nature with unpredictable periods of peak demand or work complexity, and the duration of the probation and trial periods established by the State Department of Personnel do not guarantee that such episodic periods of peak demand or complexity will occur during the probation or trial period.
  • The class or the position requires an extended period of specialized training before the full range of duties can be assigned to an employee, and the probation and trial periods by the State Department of Personnel do not allow sufficient time to evaluate the work of the position.

In addition, Human Resources may approve extension of a probation or trial period based on the circumstances of an individual appointment.

4.  Continuation of a Probation or Trial Service Period

An employee who accepts appointment to another permanent classified non-union position while serving a probation or trial period will begin for a new probation or trial period in the new appointment. If the University determines that the new position is closely related to the former position, the employee will receive written notice that probation or trial service period will continue and not start over. However, even if the probation or trial service period does not start over, the University may extend the probation or trial service period as authorized by WAC 357-19-060.

5.  Reassignment During a Probation or Trial Service Period

“Reassignment” is employer-initiated movement of an employee from one position to another position in the same classification. If the University reassigns an employee who is serving a probation or trial service period, time spent in the initial probationary or trial service period counts towards completion of the probation or trial service period for the position to which the employee was reassigned. However, the University may extend the probation or trial service period as authorized by WAC 357-19-060.

6.  Additional Information

For additional information contact the appropriate Human Resources Service Team Member listed on the Human Resources Service Team Assignments web page.

7. History

January 19, 2006.