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APS 13.4 – Guidelines for Building Coordinators

(Approved by the Executive Director of Health Sciences Administration by authority of Executive Order No. 1 and the Executive Vice President by authority of Administrative Order No. 9) 

1.  Purpose

The diversity of University programs and activities frequently requires coordination of building operations by various departments. Building coordination often involves the services provided by support units such as, the Physical Plant Department, University Police, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, and Communication Technologies. Building coordination is most efficiently accomplished through the assignment of building coordinators.

2.  Coordinator Designation

It is recommended that the Building Coordinator (BC) be a full-time administrative employee with more than six months experience in that position at the time of designation. The BC should have a broad understanding of the activities of the department(s) housed within the building. It is also recommended that the employee’s work station be located within the principal building being served, and that the BC be on duty during regular business hours. Recognition should be given to the impact upon the selected individual’s specified duties. Also, while it is recommended that only a single individual be designated BC for each building, an alternate should be identified to perform in the absence of the designated BC.

The deans, directors, or chairs of the departments occupying each University building should designate one BC for that building. For buildings occupied by several departments, the BC should be designated to assist in overall building management and coordination. Departments which occupy a number of small buildings may wish to designate a BC to represent all of their buildings.

Once a BC and any alternate have been designated, departments should advise the Physical Plant Department of each individual’s name and campus mail box. The Physical Plant Department maintains a list of current BCs and can provide departments with a copy of this list.

3.  Coordinator Responsibilities

A.  Security and General Management

The BC is responsible for:

  • Coordinating all building security requirements as outlined in APS 13.3.
  • Issuing building maintenance and custodial service requests to the appropriate Physical Plant Department office.
  • Reporting any losses of state property (e.g., furniture or equipment) from the building to the University Police.
  • Coordinating all other building-related needs and services. (Responsibilities may include updating building directories, distributing phone books within the building, and establishing bulletin board posting guidelines.)

B.  Health and Safety

Whenever unsanitary conditions or hazards to health and safety are identified, they should be reported to the appropriate office within the Environmental Health and Safety Department. In addition, the BC may function or serve as the building’s fire safety representative and maintain building evacuation plans.

C.  Utility Shutdowns

Occasionally, the Physical Plant Department may interrupt steam, electricity, water, central cooling water, compressed air, natural gas, or other utility services for maintenance or emergency reasons. The BC can assist Physical Plant staff by:

  • Helping to establish the interruption date and period of time.
  • Notifying all building occupants impacted by the interruption.
  • Identifying any special arrangements required to protect research projects.
  • Ensuring that adverse effects are minimized.

D.  Building Renovations and Remodeling

During construction periods the BC can assist in disseminating information to building occupants regarding project activities and progress, and serve as the contact for forwarding questions or comments to the responsible party in the Physical Plant Department, Engineering Services Office, Environmental Health and Safety Department, or Capital and Space Planning Office.

E.  Building Hours

Building hours are usually established by the department’s senior administrator(s). Criteria for determining building hours are:

  • Needs of the department.
  • Library access requirements.
  • Other needs as identified by Room Assignments within the Registrar’s Office (i.e., evening class hours).

In buildings housing more than one department, access requirements of all departments need to be considered. The BC should help determine those needs, make recommendations to the senior administrator(s), and report the designated building hours (and any subsequent revisions) to the University Police and Custodial Services. See APS 13.3.

The BC should also be responsible for having building hours posted at all building entrances.

F.  Building Keys and Locks

In general, coordination of building keys and locks should be assigned to the BC. The BC should manage keys in accordance with the requirements of APS 13.3. Coordination of keys and locks includes:

  • Maintaining key records cross-referenced by: room/key, key/room, key holder/key, and key/key holder.
  • Authorizing key and lock change requests and issuing requests to the Lock Shop.
  • Maintaining the key cabinet, if one is located in the building.

G.  Building Use Permits

The BC is responsible for issuing a Building Use Permit form to authorized persons, and for maintaining a permit register. Permit holders include eligible faculty, staff, and students. Permits should be issued in accordance with University Police guidelines (see APS 13.3).

May 1994.