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APS 1.4 Rules Coordination

(Approved by the Director of University Policy and Rules Office by authority of Executive Order No. 1)

1. Overview

The Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 34.05 RCW, clarifies the existing law of administrative procedure, achieves greater consistency with other states and the federal government in administrative procedure, and provides greater public and legislative access to administrative decision making.

Rules coordination is subject to the legal requirements of Chapter 34.05 RCW. The statute requires state agencies to appoint an officer to assist in the implementation of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) rules and other policies directly affected by the Administrative Procedure Act. The University of Washington has designated the Director for Rules Coordination with this responsibility.

2. The Program

The University Policy and Rules Office plays a primary role in coordinating the adoption and indexing of WAC rules and other University policies as they pertain to the Administrative Procedure Act. Specialized assistance available to University officials includes the following:

  • Acts as a resource for information pertaining to rules under review, rules already adopted, and the rule-making process.
  • Maintains the official docket of current rules under review.
  • Coordinates rule proposals and revisions with the state Code Reviser’s Office.
  • Facilitates public hearings for proposed revisions to WAC rules.
  • Coordinates central publication of adopted rules.
  • Maintains the permanent rule adoption file.
  • Maintains an institutional index for the identification and location of the following records: policy statements; declaratory orders; interpretive statements; and final orders in adjudicative proceedings that contain an analysis or decision of substantial importance to the University in carrying out its duties.

3. Rule-Making Procedures

Procedures include the following topics:

4.  Responsible Office

For additional information, contact the University Policy and Rules Office.

May 1, 2002; March 8, 2004; June 16, 2011; June 13, 2017.