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Administrative Policy Statements Introduction

1.  Explanation of Materials Published in this Resource

The Administrative Policy Statements resource focuses primarily on institution-wide policy statements that provide the University’s administrative approach when implementing a statute, rule, agency order, or other provision of law or policy. Those University official(s) delegated the authority for the policy’s subject matter are identified in the line just below the title of each policy statement in this resource.

2.  History of the Material Prior to Publication in this Resource

Prior to being published in the UW Policy Directory beginning in December 2010, the Administrative Policy Statements existed as a standalone website, and as recently as 2009, a hard copy binder. Both were published by the University Policy & Rules Office beginning May 1, 2002.

Many of the same policies contained in the Administrative Policy Statements were previously published in the University’s Operations Manual, a hard copy binder active from 1969 through its retirement in 2002. The Operations Manual covered a wide array of operating policies and procedures as well as compilations of administrative information. For the most part, the administrative information and operating procedures formerly contained in the Operations Manual were moved to the web under University departmental control. Where relevant, policy statements contain links to these operating procedures. However, those materials that predate the year 2000 were transferred from the Operations Manual without timely revision and may not reflect the current focus of the Administrative Policy Statements resource.

The revision history for each policy statement is located at the end of that statement.

Source abbreviations identify the authority or means by which these policies have been adopted and revised. Source abbreviations used in the Administrative Policy Statements history of revisions are as follows:

RC—Rules Coordination: The University Policy & Rules Office publishes simple housekeeping amendments to the Administrative Policy Statements that correct typographical errors or make address, name, or contact information changes. All housekeeping amendments are first reviewed and approved by the President.

Information related to the policy statement topic may be cited below the history of revisions.

4.  Organization and Numbering System Used in this Resource

Each policy statement is assigned a number by the University Policy & Rules Office based on its subject matter, and subjects are organized into topical sections. Within each section, policies are grouped according to administrative functions. Policy numbers are not sequential.

5.  How to Cite Material in this Resource

  1. Cite policy statements as follows:
    Administrative Policy Statement ##.#
    For abbreviated text:
    APS ##.#

    Example: Administrative Policy Statement 46.3

  2. Cite sections or subsections of a policy statement as follows:
    Administrative Policy Statement ##.#, Section #
    Administrative Policy Statement ##.#, Section #.#

    Example: Administrative Policy Statement 46.3, Section 2.a

  3. If you are citing a policy statement to those outside the University of Washington organization, add the words “University of Washington” or “UW” before the citation.

    Example: UW Administrative Policy Statement 46.3

  4. If you wish to include the title of the policy statement in the citation, include it after the policy statement number.

    Example: Administrative Policy Statement 46.3, “Resolution of Complaints Against University Employees”

6.  How to Add New, or Revise or Remove Existing Material Located in this Resource

The content of a policy statement is the responsibility of the University official(s) delegated that authority by the President as noted in the delegation line which appears beneath each policy statement title (see Executive Order No. 47). Policy statements are developed, reviewed, approved, and rescinded by the University official(s) delegated responsibility for that subject matter. The University Policy & Rules Office provides final editing and coordinates policy statement reviews and approvals prior to publication.

For more information, contact the University Policy & Rules Office.

May 22, 2019.