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SGP 107 Low Academic Standing and Academic Dismissal

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[Additional regulations regarding Enrollment and Registration Procedures are located in Chapter 478-160 WAC.]

1.  Cumulative Grade-Point Average

Cumulative grade-point average includes only credits granted for courses taken at the University of Washington. This specifically excludes transfer and extension credits, and credits earned by examination.

S-B 95, December 10, 1964; S-B 173, April 6, 2007; S-B 195, May 29, 2020: all with Presidential approval.

2.  Academic Alert Status

An undergraduate student whose grade point average for the first quarter at the University is below 2.00 will be placed on Academic Alert status. Such action will be recorded on the student’s official academic record, and the Registrar under delegated authority from the dean of the college or school in which the student is enrolled shall notify the student of the Academic Alert status as soon as possible, and remind the student to consult with the student’s academic adviser immediately to discuss future academic plans.

If that same student’s cumulative grade point average is not raised to a 2.00 by the end of the second quarter of matriculated enrollment at the University, the student will then be placed in Academic Warning status (see below).

S-B 95, December 10, 1964; S-B 167, November 26, 2001; S-B 189, March 12, 2019; S-B 214, April 23, 2024: all with Presidential approval.

3.  Academic Warning Status

A continuing undergraduate student whose cumulative grade-point average falls below 2.00 will be placed on Academic Warning status. Such action will be recorded on the student’s official academic record, and the Registrar under delegated authority from the dean of the college or school in which the student is enrolled shall notify the student of the Academic Warning status as soon as possible, and remind the student to consult with the student’s academic adviser immediately to discuss future academic plans.

S-B 214, April 23, 2024 with Presidential approval.

4.  Effect of Academic Warning Status

Academic Warning status is essentially a warning that the student must show improvement if the student is to remain at the University. University regulations regarding scholastic eligibility for participation in intercollegiate athletics and other student activities shall be recommended to the Senate by the Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics and the Faculty Council on Student Affairs respectively.

S-B 95, December 10, 1964; S-B 214, April 23, 2024: both with Presidential approval.

5.  Removal from Academic Warning Status

An undergraduate student on Academic Warning Status will be removed from that status at the end of any quarter in which that student’s cumulative grade-point average reaches 2.00 or above.

S-B 95, December 10, 1964; S-B 214, April 23, 2024: both with Presidential approval.

6.  Academic Drop

An undergraduate student on Academic Warning status will be dropped from the University at the end of that student’s Academic Warning status quarter unless the student has either (1) attained a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00 or (2) attained a quarterly grade-point average of at least 2.00 during the Academic Warning status quarter. Any student dropped from the University under this rule will be notified of this action by the Registrar.

S-B 95, December 10, 1964; S-B 189, March 12, 2019; S-B 214, April 23, 2024: all with Presidential approval.

7.  Reinstatement

A student dropped from the University under Section 6 above will only be readmitted to the University under exceptional circumstances. A student will be readmitted only at the discretion of the dean of the college or school to which the student seeks admission. A student readmitted after being dropped under these rules will re-enter on Academic Warning status.

S-B 95, December 10, 1964; S-B 125, June 1975; S-B 214, April 23, 2024: all with Presidential approval.

8.  Graduating Students

An undergraduate student who has completed all requirements for graduation but whose work in what would normally be the student’s final quarter places the student on Academic Warning status will not receive a degree until the student has been removed from Academic Warning status as provided in Section 5 above.

S-B 81, May 1960; S-B 214, April 23, 2024: both with Presidential approval.

9.  Continuation or Termination of Students in the Graduate School

  1. Admission of a student to the Graduate School provides the opportunity for graduate study and research at the University only for the period during which the student maintains satisfactory performance and progress toward completion of the graduate degree program.
  2. Graduate program advisers and their faculty colleagues in the academic units offering graduate programs must on a regular basis review the status of their graduate students. If a graduate student’s performance, or progress, or promise of completion of the graduate program is unsatisfactory, advice and recommendations concerning the student must be transmitted promptly to the Dean of the Graduate School who may send an appropriate notice to the graduate student relating to a change in the student’s status.
  3. In carrying out a review of a graduate student’s status, the student’s whole situation should be considered. Grade reports are important, but in addition the student’s performance in formal course work and in seminars, research progress and achievements, and performance and prospects in all other significant ways should be appraised. If a graduate student has been admitted into a doctoral program and is proceeding under the guidance of a supervisory committee, then this supervisory committee should be responsible for a quarterly review of the student’s status.

GSM, March 1965; AI, February 6, 2015.