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SGP 104 Auditors

Table of Contents


1.  Audit Registration

With the consent of the instructor, and to the extent that space is available after matriculated students have been accommodated, a student may register as an auditor in a non-laboratory course or the lecture part of a laboratory course.

Senate Action, May 1939; AI, November 1968; RC, December 3, 2013; S-B 180, February 27, 2014 with Presidential approval.

2.  Non-Satisfactory Participation

The instructor may cancel the audit registration of any student whose participation is not satisfactory.

Senate Action, May 1939; AI, November 1968; RC, December 3, 2013; S-B 180, February 27, 2014 with Presidential approval.

3.  No Credit

No person who audits a course may participate in class discussion or laboratory work, take an examination in the course, or obtain credit except by taking the course later as a matriculated student and satisfying all the requirements for credit.

Senate Action, May 1939; AI, November 1968; RC, December 3, 2013; S-B 180, February 27, 2014; S-B 218, January 28, 2025: both with Presidential approval.

4.  No Transcript Record

No record of a student’s audit shall appear on the the University transcript.

S-B 116, April 1971 with Presidential approval; RC, December 3, 2013; S-B 218, January 28, 2025 with Presidential approval.

5.  Fees

The fee for auditing a course shall be the same as if the course were taken for credit.

Senate Action, May 1939; AI, November 1968; RC, December 3, 2013.