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Introduction to Student Governance and Policies

Table of Contents


1.  Explanation of Materials Published in this Resource

The resource known as the Student Governance and Policies contains the following two parts:

  • Scholastic Regulations—This part contains the academic regulations that govern a student’s attainment of class credits and the achievement of a degree at the University.
  • Student Policies—This part contains various policies governing a student’s extracurricular activities, conduct, and life outside the classroom.

It should also be noted that many of the University’s policies for students are promulgated as Washington Administrative Code rules (as well as a few executive orders). Because these rules are also central to student life, they are included on the table of contents pages for each part of the Student Governance and Policies resource for easy cross-reference.

2.  History of the Material Prior to Publication in this Resource

Prior to being published here, in the UW Policy Directory website beginning December 2010, these policies were part of the former University Handbook, Volumes 3 and 4. The Scholastic Regulations were transferred from Volume 4 of the University Handbook, a volume that contained a mix of orders, policy statements, Faculty Senate actions, and other materials from various sources. The Student Policies were transferred from Volume 3 of the University Handbook, a volume intended for student governance materials.

The University Handbook, published as a hard copy binder from 1969 until 1999, and as a standalone website from 1994 through December 2010, succeeded the University’s Faculty Handbook. The Faculty Handbook was an earlier, annual publication of policy and administrative information.

The revision history in each chapter in the Scholastic Regulations part of the Student Governance and Policies resource is located at the end of each section of that chapter, if known. Each section can be initiated, amended, or repealed independent of the chapter in which they appear, and so contain independent revision histories.

The revision history for each chapter in the Student Policies part of the Student Governance and Policies resource is located at the end of the chapter, if known. These policies are initiated, amended, or repealed as a whole. “Confirmed” dates in the revision history indicate when the material was last reviewed and “confirmed” as accurate without revision.

Source abbreviations identify the authority or means by which these policies have been adopted and revised in the past. In addition to some historical references, source abbreviations used in the Student Governance and Policies history of revisions are as follows:

AI or AP—Administrative Information or Administrative Policy: An informational statement or administrative policy prepared by a relevant University office or official of the administration.

BR—Board of Regents: An action or ruling of the Board of Regents.

CR—College Rule: A rule produced by a college or school of the University of Washington.

GSM #—Graduate School Memorandum: A series of numbered memoranda (renamed and numbered as Policy in 2023) established by the University’s Graduate School. (See the Graduate School policy website for a complete list.)

GSR—Graduate School Rule: A rule produced by the University’s Graduate School and issued prior to the current numbered memoranda series (GSM).

HB—Handbook: One of a series of compilations of University rules and regulations issued at irregular intervals prior to 1969.

RC—Rules Coordination: The University Policy & Rules Office publishes simple housekeeping amendments to the Student Governance and Policies that correct typographical errors; make address, name, or contact information changes; or clarify language without changing its effect. All housekeeping amendments for the Scholastic Regulations part of the resource are first reviewed and approved by the Secretary of the Faculty; housekeeping amendments for the Student Policies part of the resource are first reviewed and approved by the University official(s) delegated authority for the chapter’s subject matter.

S-B #—Faculty Class B Legislative Action: Faculty Senate Class B legislative action with Presidential approval, normally effective without referendum, together with the number and date of the relevant Class B Bulletin.

S-C #—Faculty Class C Non-Legislative Action: Non-legislative Faculty Senate Class C actions become effective upon adoption by the Senate, together with the number and date of the relevant Class C Bulletin in which the action is announced.

Senate Action—Actions taken by the University’s Faculty Senate prior to the establishment of the current legislative classification system.

Other relevant information related to these chapters may also be cited below the history of revisions.

4.  Organization and Numbering System Used in this Resource

Regulations and policies in this resource are listed as separate chapters within each of the two parts. Chapters in the Scholastic Regulations part are numbered in the 100s; chapters in the Student Policies part are numbered in the 200s. Chapter numbers are not necessarily sequential, and rescinded policy numbers remain dormant for ten years before possible reassignment.

5.  How to Cite Material in this Resource

  1. Cite chapters as follows:
    Student Governance and Policies, Chapter #
    Or, for abbreviated text:
    SGP, Chapter #
    Example: Student Governance and Policies, Chapter 102
  2. Cite sections or subsections of a chapter as follows:
    Student Governance and Policies, Chapter #, Section #
    Student Governance and Policies, Chapter #, Section #.#
    Example: Student Governance and Policies, Chapter 102, Section 3.a
  3. If you are citing a chapter to those outside the University of Washington organization, add the words “University of Washington” or “UW” before the citation.
    Example:  UW Student Governance and Policies, Chapter 202
  4. If you wish to include the title of the chapter in the citation, include it after the chapter number.
    Example:  SGP, Chapter 110, “Grades, Honors, and Scholarship”

6.  How to Add New, or Revise or Remove Existing Material Located in this Resource

In general, the chapters in the Scholastic Regulations part of the Student Governance and Policies resource are initiated, revised, and repealed through Faculty Senate legislative action, after development in faculty councils or committees and with Presidential approval. However, on occasion, University administrative offices that enforce or regulate these student requirements will also update or revise these chapters.

The chapters in the Student Policies part of the Student Governance and Policies resource are developed, approved, or repealed by the University official(s) delegated responsibility for that student subject matter, or they may be subject to the Faculty Senate legislative process similar to the Scholastic Regulations. The University Policy & Rules Office may provide final editing and coordinates policy statement reviews and approvals prior to publication.

The University Policy & Rules Office works with these parties in publishing approved policies according to Executive Order No. 47.

May 22, 2017.