By authority of the Board of Regents under its resolution of May 19, 1956 (Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article V), and in conformity with applicable statutes (RCW 28B.10.528 and RCW 28B.20.200), the President authorizes the faculty of each campus, college, or school (as listed in the Faculty Code, Chapter 23, Section 23-11), except the graduate faculty (Faculty Code, Chapter 23, Section 23-42, Subsection B), to participate in recommendations concerning (1) new appointments to its faculty, (2) promotions and merit increases of its faculty members, and (3) the granting of tenure to its faculty. Under rules established jointly by the President and the University faculty:
- For the University of Washington, Seattle, the appropriate college or school faculty shall make the initial recommendations for such decisions. In departmentalized colleges and schools, recommendations shall originate in the departments. In a department-level unit constituted by the dean of a school or college for the administration of an interdisciplinary program, or by the Provost if the program involves two or more schools or colleges, special means may be used to provide recommendations from the faculty on new appointments, promotions and merit salary increases, and the granting of tenure.
- The campuses of the University of Washington, Bothell (UWB), and the University of Washington, Tacoma (UWT) are designed and operated similarly to a departmentalized collegiate unit at the University of Washington, Seattle, with programs equivalent to departments (see Executive Order No. IX), the Regents of the University of Washington have created colleges or schools within the campuses of the University, and departments within campuses and colleges. If the Regents create colleges or schools within the campuses of the University of Washington, Bothell, or the University of Washington, Tacoma, headed by a dean, then for those UWB or UWT colleges and schools the words colleges and schools and dean in the Faculty Code and Governance shall have the same meaning as they do at the University of Washington, Seattle. In such cases, prior to forwarding any recommendation on to the University President or Provost, a dean at UWB or UWT shall forward the recommendation first to the chancellor of the campus, who shall be advised, as appropriate, by a campus-elected faculty body as provided in the Faculty Code, Chapter 23, Section 23-45.
May 31, 1956; October 1, 1982; January 30, 2004.
* This executive order was originally unnumbered in the University Handbook.
For related information, see:
- Executive Order No. II, “Authorization for the Faculty to Share in the Formulation of Rules”
- Executive Order No. III, “Organization of the Faculty”
- Executive Order No. IV, “Legislative Authority of the Faculty”
- Executive Order No. IX, “Campuses, Colleges, and Schools”
- Faculty Code and Governance, Chapter 13, “The University Faculty”