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EO IV   Legislative Authority of the Faculty

  1. Subject to the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 below, the President authorizes the University faculty to formulate regulations for the immediate government of the University and to share responsibility with him or her, the chancellors at the Bothell and Tacoma campuses, and the academic deans in such matters as:
    1. Educational policy and general welfare;
    2. Policy for the regulation of student conduct and activities;
    3. Scholastic policy, including requirements for admission, graduation, and honors;
    4. Approval of candidates for degrees;
    5. Criteria for faculty tenure, appointment, and promotion;
    6. Recommendations concerning campus and University budgets;
    7. Formulation of procedures to carry out the policies and regulation thus established.
  2. Each action of the faculty under the provisions of Section 1 shall be:
    1. In accord with the applicable statutory provisions (RCW 28B.20.200) and with the Regents’ resolution of May 19, 1956 (Board of Regents Governance, Bylaws, Article VI), and
    2. Subject to such rules as the Board of Regents may prescribe, and
    3. Subject to such executive orders as the President within his or her authority may issue.
  3. A faculty action under the provisions of Section 1 shall become effective upon its approval by the President, and, when taken by the faculty at the Bothell or Tacoma campus, the prior approval of the chancellor of the campus, except, the approval of new undergraduate degrees, majors, minors, and certificate programs, regardless of campus of origin, will first be referred by the President to the Faculty Senate for coordinated review by all three campuses. Graduate degree proposals and graduate certificate proposals, regardless of campus of origin, are already reviewed by the Graduate School before being referred for Presidential and Board of Regents approval.
  4. In order that the Board of Regents may be aware of policies and actions proposed by the faculty, the President will communicate to the Board all recommendations of the faculty which concern the welfare of the University.
  5. Except in cases of emergency, policy decisions which affect matters listed in Section 1 that are campus-specific to UW, Seattle, and to the University as a whole will not be made by the President without consultation with appropriate officers of the faculty organization established under the provisions of Executive Order III.
  6. Except in cases of emergency, policy decisions on matters listed in Section 1 that are campus-specific to UW, Bothell and UW, Tacoma will not be made by the campus chancellor without consultation with elected representatives of the campus faculty organization.

May 31, 1956; January 30, 2004.

* This executive order was originally unnumbered in the University Handbook.

For related information, see:

  • Executive Order No. II, “Authorization for the Faculty to Share in the Formulation of Rules”
  • Executive Order No. III, “Organization of the Faculty”
  • Executive Order No. V, “Faculty Authority Concerning Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure”
  • Faculty Code and GovernanceChapter 13, “The University Faculty”