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EO 59   Additional Compensation to Faculty

1.  Purpose

This order sets forth the conditions for awarding additional compensation to faculty. As a general policy, the working time of University faculty is dedicated to the duties assigned by the University. Prior to awarding additional compensation, every effort will be made to schedule all University related faculty work as a part of normal duties.

2.  Scope

This order shall apply to compensation for University services performed through a faculty appointment, except that additional pay for direct services on research grants or contracts is not permissible.

This executive order does not apply to:

  • Administrative duty supplements;
  • Clinical coverage overload payments;
  • Compensation associated with an academic honor (e.g., endowed professorship);
  • Non-effort-based compensation (e.g., lump sum relocation incentive payments and mobile service agreements);
  • Reimbursements as allowable by University policy; and
  • Work performed outside the aegis of the University as provided for by Executive Order No. 57.

3.  Definitions

Additional Compensation—A category of faculty compensation provided to reflect a significant expansion of duties necessary to maintain essential University operations and the University’s standard of excellence.

Workload Adjustment—Accommodation of overload teaching or service to recalibrate the faculty member’s existing distribution of teaching, research, or scholarship, and/or service activities.

4.  Roles and Responsibilities

Each dean must ensure that units within the respective school/college have established and communicated standard workload distributions for faculty, which are to be applied equitably. For UW Bothell and UW Tacoma, this is the responsibility of the chancellor. The chancellor may delegate the responsibility to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or a dean.

The first strategy for accommodating overload teaching or service is to recalibrate the faculty member’s existing distribution of teaching, research, or scholarship, and/or service activities (i.e., workload adjustment).

When workload adjustment is not possible, additional compensation to University faculty is for work in addition to or distinct from regularly assigned workload. This work reflects a significant expansion of duties necessary to maintain essential University operations and the University’s standard of excellence.

This additional work must be approved in advance by the dean or chancellor, and the Provost if applicable.

  • In cases where a workload adjustment is not possible, the dean may approve additional compensation up to 25% of the faculty member’s monthly base salary, provided the cumulative additional compensation does not exceed 25% in any month. For UW Bothell and UW Tacoma, this is the responsibility of the chancellor. The chancellor may delegate the responsibility to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or a dean.
  • The dean or chancellor must request and receive approval from the Provost in advance for exceptional cases where the proposed activity (or combination of activities) warrants additional compensation that is more than 25% of a faculty member’s regular monthly base salary, or if proposing additional compensation be calculated on an alternative basis (e.g., annual). Units will evaluate patterns of additional compensation to identify opportunities for regularizing duties into workload and developing a commensurate hiring plan to meet strategic needs and ensure additional compensation is time-limited whenever possible.

5.  History

BR, March 1953; Executive Order No. 59 of the President: October 1, 1982; June 4, 2024.

For related information, see:

  • Executive Order No. 45, “Documentation of Qualifications and Recommendations for Promotion, Tenure, and Merit Increases”
  • Executive Order No. 64, “Faculty Salary Policy”
  • Faculty CodeChapter 24, “Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members”
  • Administrative Policy Statement 41.1, “Salary Payments and Employment Periods for Academic Personnel”