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EO 39   Athletic Tickets, Identification Cards, and Campus Privileges

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1.  Football Season Tickets

Full-time faculty members, employees, and retired faculty members and employees may purchase two non-transferable reserved season tickets to home football games at a reduction of the public rate. Ticket applications are mailed about May 5-10. Orders are accepted by mail or in person at the Athletic Ticket Office, Graves Building, immediately thereafter. They are filled on a priority basis determined by years of continuous service at the University and continuous purchase of season tickets. Persons wishing to sit together should complete the appropriate sections on the application blank and, if possible, mail them in the same envelope. Groups are limited to twelve tickets. Tickets are mailed approximately September 1. They are for the use of faculty members and employees and their immediate families only.

2.  Winter-Spring Athletic Cards

Full-time faculty members, employees, and retired faculty members and employees may purchase two non-transferable athletic cards good to all home basketball games and other winter-spring athletic events, with the exception of conference or regional playoffs and meets. The faculty rate is about half the general admission rate. Seats are in the student-faculty bleachers and are unreserved. Ticket applications are sent to the department heads about October 5-10 for distribution. Orders are accepted by mail or in person at the Athletic Ticket Office immediately thereafter. Tickets are mailed late in November.

3.  Identification Cards

University identification cards are issued to new members of the faculty and staff. These cards are renewed annually in October.

4.  Use of University Facilities

  1. Cultural and recreational facilities (including those of the ASUW) are also extended to University personnel.
  2. Laboratory and office space available in University buildings must be reserved primarily for the instructional and research duties of active members of the faculty. Office and laboratory space available after the requirements of active faculty members have been met may be assigned on an annual basis, with the approval of the department chair and dean, to retired faculty members who have need of such space for the conduct of scholarly activity. Courtesy parking privileges are extended to retired faculty.

5.  Visiting Scholar Identification Card

  1. Scholars from other institutions or foreign countries visiting the University may receive the privileges normally accorded regular members of the University faculty. A visiting scholar is a resident of the University community for purposes not involving regular appointment to the University faculty, but in the judgment of the dean a dean a person who should be permitted to share in those University privileges indicated below.
  2. The extension of these courtesies is evidenced by the issuance to the visitor of a Visiting Scholar Identification card. This card, issued by the dean of the appropriate college or school, will indicate on its face the period of time for which courtesies are authorized, a period which shall not exceed one academic year. Issuance of the card is not to be construed as offering to the visiting scholar without cost courtesies or privileges for which the regular faculty must pay.
  3. Record copies of the card when issued should be furnished to the Office of the Provost, the Library Circulation Division, and a copy retained by the dean of the college or school.
  4. The privileges accorded visiting scholars will include:
    1. Library borrowing privileges as provided by Library regulations and eligibility for assignment of faculty study in the Henry Suzzallo Library.
    2. Access to University study and non-classified research facilities.
    3. Access to recreational and other facilities of the ASUW.
    4. Participation in the activities of the Faculty Club (dues may be waived for one academic quarter, and dues payment thereafter made on a pro rata basis, determined by the Faculty Club Board).
    5. Parking on University campus for a parking fee calculated on a pro rata basis.

June 1, 1972; November 20, 1975.