1. Executive Orders
Before an executive order is promulgated or revised by the President, it shall be reviewed by the Faculty Senate. Additionally, the President may request reviews of the executive order from other individuals or campus bodies as desired. The President shall forward the proposed executive order (or revision) to the Faculty Senate Chair and to the Secretary of the Faculty, noting reviews that have taken place and requesting appropriate Faculty Senate review. The Faculty Senate Chair shall arrange a review and notify the President of the outcome of the review within a reasonable time, but in any event no longer than 60 days after receipt of such request for review. If revisions to the proposed order suggested by the Faculty Senate are not approved by the President, there shall be consultations with the chair of the Faculty Senate to seek to resolve the differences. Following such consultations, the decision of the President is final. When signed by the President, the original of the executive order shall be retained in the executive order file in the University Policy & Rules Office. The University Policy & Rules Office shall assign a number to any new executive order and publish all orders. Executive orders become effective on the day signed by the President, unless otherwise noted within the text of the order.
2. Administrative Orders
Administrative orders are delegations of authority to University personnel for specific functions and are promulgated or revised by the President without required reviews, as they may involve timely deadlines for compliance with state or federal laws. However, administrative orders may be reviewed by individuals or campus bodies as desired by the President prior to finalization. When signed by the President, the original administrative order shall be retained in the administrative order file in the University Policy & Rules Office. The University Policy & Rules Office shall assign a number to any new administrative order and publish all orders. Administrative orders become effective on the day signed by the President, unless otherwise noted within the text of the order.
3. Housekeeping Changes
Upon verification, housekeeping changes for both executive orders and administrative orders may be made by the President’s Office to correct typographical errors; make address, organization name, or job title changes; or clarify language of an order without changing its effect. These housekeeping changes shall also be retained in the appropriate file and published by the University Policy & Rules Office.
June 12, 1996; January 6, 2003; May 11, 2007; RC, November 10, 2015.
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