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FCG Chapter 22 Constitution of the Faculty Senate

Table of Contents


Section 22-31   The Senate—Purpose, Responsibility, Powers, and Duties in General

The Faculty Senate:

  1. As established by Chapter 13, Section 13-31, Subsection A.2 is the legislative agency of the University faculty as defined in RCW 28B.20.200;
  2. Is charged, under Chapter 21, Section 21-41, with the responsibility of formulating rules for the immediate government of the University in accordance with the powers granted to the University faculty by RCW 28B.20.130, Subsections (1), (2), and (5), and by Executive Orders No. II and No. IV, and by Chapter 21, Section 21-51, Subsections B and D of the Faculty Code; and
  3. Has the powers and duties specified in Chapter 22.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 50, January 22, 1976: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-32   Senate Legislative Powers

  1. In accordance with procedures established in Sections 22-71 to 22-75, the Senate may enact legislation pertaining to:
    1. The statutory powers and duties of the faculty (RCW 28B.20.02028B.20.130, Subsections (2) and (5), and 28B.20.200);
    2. The powers and duties delegated to the faculty by the President (Executive Orders No. IINo. III, and No. IV); and it has the power to;
    3. Take such action as it deems appropriate with respect to resolutions forwarded to it by the University faculty (Chapter 21, Section 21-51, Subsections B and D); and
    4. Adopt resolutions in its own behalf.
  2. In matters pertaining to the powers and duties delegated under Chapter 23, Sections 23-43 and 23-44 to independently organized colleges and schools, the legislative powers of the Senate are limited to:
    1. The determination of policies which affect the general welfare of the University;
    2. The recommendation of such other policies as may be referred to it by the President under the provisions of Chapter 23, Section 23-48, Subsection C.
  3. In the event of a dispute between the Senate and an independently organized college or school as to whether proposed Senate action is permissible under Subsection B.1 above, or if adopted would result in an encroachment on the powers delegated to an independently organized college or school, the President shall schedule a hearing on the matter before the Executive Committee and the Board of Deans at which people speaking for the Senate and for the college or school shall state their positions, and after consultation with and upon the advice of the Senate Executive Committee and the Board of Deans, the President shall decide the matter.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 164, May 9, 2023: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-33   Senate Power:  Faculty Councils and Faculty Committees

The Senate, in accordance with the powers granted by Chapter 13, Section 13-31, Subsection B and the action taken under Chapter 21, Section 21-60:

  1. May recommend the creation of additional faculty councils in accordance with Chapter 42, Section 42-31, Subsection B, may create special and ad hoc faculty committees, and may define the powers and duties of faculty councils and faculty committees;
  2. May discharge the chair or any or all members of any faculty council;
  3. May recommend the abolition of any faculty council in accordance with Chapter 42, Section 42-31, Subsection B, and may discontinue or discharge any special or ad hoc faculty committee which it has created;
  4. Shall annually at its last meeting of the Spring Quarter name the members and designate the chair of each faculty council;
  5. Shall announce annually in a Class C Bulletin the membership of each faculty council;
  6. Shall name the members and designate the chair of all special and ad hoc faculty committees created by the Senate.

April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964: both with Presidential approval.

Section 22-34   Senate Power to Designate Representatives

Whenever it appears that an official representative of the University faculty is needed, the Senate may designate one or more persons to act in that capacity. (For Legislative Representative, see Chapter 44, Section 44-31.)

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956 with Presidential approval.

Section 22-35   Senate Power to Act Upon Resolutions

[Repealed by S-A 29, June 8, 1964 with Presidential approval; but contents reinserted in Section 22-32.]

Section 22-36   Senate Power to Establish By-Laws

The Senate may enact or amend its By-Laws as prescribed in Section 22-76.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956 with Presidential approval.

Section 22-37   Principles Governing the Senate’s Exercise of Its Powers and Duties

In the exercise of its prescribed powers and duties the Senate shall be guided by the following principles:

  1. The primary concern of the Senate is the general welfare of the University.
  2. In those instances in which a conflict of opinion develops as to whether proposed action will promote the general welfare of the University, as well as in its more routine general deliberations, the Senate shall consider the views of people speaking for all positions, including the views of minorities, of the administration, and of campuses, colleges, schools, or departments whose interests may be affected by any proposed measure.
  3. The Senate can accomplish its purpose as the legislative arm of the University faculty only if senators keep constantly in mind their responsibilities as senators to the University, to the University faculty, and to the group or campus which they represent.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 104, April 9, 2001: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-41   Composition of the Senate

  1. The Senate consists of the following voting members:
    1. The President of the University
    2. The Chair of the Senate
    3. The Vice Chair of the Senate
    4. The Immediate Past Chair of the Senate
    5. Chair, Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting
    6. Chairs of faculty councils and Bothell and Tacoma faculty organizations who are not elected members of the Senate shall be ex officio members with vote. They shall serve in the Senate during their appointments as chairs and shall be considered to be members-at-large to whom the provisions of Section 22-45 do not apply.
    7. The other members of the Senate shall be voting members of the faculty who are elected in conformity with the following principles:
      1. These senators shall be democratically selected with care that small or minority groups are ensured a voice in University.
      2. Each school, college, or campus shall elect one senator for each 40 voting faculty, or fraction thereof, in the school, college, or campus, up to a maximum of 40% of the entire number of elected seats for any school or college.
      3. The elected faculty council of any school, college, or campus that elects more than one senator may choose to have its senators elected at large or assign its faculty to voting groups that will elect the senators. The council shall observe the guidance of Subsection 7.a above.
      4. The voting procedures of the school, college, or campus shall be filed with the Secretary of the Faculty.
  2. Ex officio members without vote are:
    1. Faculty Legislative Representative
    2. Deputy Faculty Legislative Representative
    3. Secretary of the Faculty
    4. The Provost
    5. Chairs of college councils (elected faculty councils of schools and colleges). They shall serve in the Senate during their appointments as chairs and shall be considered to be members-at-large to whom the provisions of Section 22-45 do not apply. A college or school council may appoint one of its members as a designee to attend a Senate meeting in place of its chair when the chair is unavailable.
    6. Chancellors of the University of Washington Bothell and University of Washington Tacoma, deans of schools and colleges of the University of Washington Seattle and the Dean of University Libraries who are not elected members of the Senate.
    7. The presidents of the Associated Students of the University of Washington, the Associated Students of the University of Washington Bothell, the Associated Students of the University of Washington Tacoma, and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate.
    8. The President of the University may appoint to the Senate with the right to speak but without vote vice presidents or other administrative officer(s) who qualify as voting member(s) of the faculty under Chapter 21, Section 21-32 to serve at the pleasure of the President.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 30, June 27, 1966; S-A 35, June 17, 1970; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 40, January 6, 1972; S-A 96, December 4, 1996; S-A 104, April 9, 2001; S-A 113, February 24, 2005; S-A 118, January 8, 2008; S-A 122, April 5, 2010; S-A 132, March 25, 2014; S-A 163, March 3, 2023; S-A 165, July 17, 2023; S-A 166, July 17, 2023; S-A 177, February 14, 2025: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-43   Eligibility for Election to the Senate

  1. Voting members of the faculty are eligible for election to the Senate. A faculty member’s eligibility under this section is determined by the status to be held at the beginning of the Senate term, should that faculty member be elected.
  2. A faculty member may be elected to an unlimited number of terms, except that a faculty member who has been elected to three consecutive terms shall not be eligible for election to the next term.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 55, May 24, 1977; S-A 103, March 6, 2001; S-A 106, May 6, 2002; S-A 122, April 5, 2010; S-A 138, May 18, 2016; S-A 164, May 9, 2023: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-44   Terms of Senators

  1. Senators are elected for two-year terms, except as provided for in Section 22-47 below. Terms begin on September 16 following election.
  2. A senator must be a voting member of the faculty.
  3. Should a senator discontinue Senate membership or receive a leave of absence from the University, the Senate position becomes vacant and shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term under the provisions of Section 22-48.
  4. Elected senators shall be deemed to have vacated their seats when they have been absent from three Senate meetings in an academic year. Senators are considered absent only if they fail, prior to a meeting, to inform the Secretary of the Faculty of their inability to attend.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 67, December 5, 1983; S-A 122, April 5, 2010: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-45   Apportionment of Senators

  1. From data available on the last business day of January of each year the Secretary of the Faculty shall apportion the number of senators to be elected from each school, college, or campus, and inform the appropriate elected faculty council of the number of positions that shall be filled.
  2. This apportionment shall be based upon the schedule given in Section 22-41, Subsection A.6.b.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 30, June 27, 1966; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 113, February 24, 2005; S-A 122, April 5, 2010; S-A 132, March 25, 2014: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-47   Procedures for Nomination and Election of Senators

  1. The elected faculty council of each school, college, or campus shall conduct elections to the senatorial positions of the school, college, or campus once every two years in the Winter or Spring Quarter prior to the start of the senatorial terms.
  2. Upon recommendation from the Secretary of the Faculty, the Senate Executive Committee may from time to time designate a school, college, or campus to conduct elections for one-year terms, in order to shift the year of biennial election to balance yearly turnover in the Senate.
  3. The election process shall conform to the following principles:
    1. The ballot shall include, for each position, the name of at least one eligible nominee who has agreed to serve if elected.
    2. Faculty eligible to vote for a position shall be advised of the date(s) of the election and the name(s) of the nominee(s) at least one week prior to the vote.
    3. The ballot shall include provisions for writing in any candidate.
    4. Votes for ineligible candidates shall be discarded.
    5. The eligible candidate(s) receiving the highest number of votes cast is (are) elected.
    6. Ties shall be resolved by a run-off election between the tied candidates.
    7. Elections shall be completed and the results reported to the Secretary of the Faculty at least two weeks before the Senate Executive Committee meeting that precedes the final regular Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year.
  4. The elected faculty council shall inform the Secretary of the Faculty of the names of elected senators, and the terms to which they were elected.
  5. The Secretary of the Faculty will provide support for the conduct of elections to the elected faculty councils.
  6. Any individual(s) having a grievance concerning Faculty Senate elections shall submit it for resolution to the appropriate elected faculty council. Final appeal from the disposition of such a grievance by the elected faculty council may be made to the Executive Committee of the Senate.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 104, April 9, 2001; S-A 110, July 9, 2003; S-A 113, February 24, 2005; S-A 122, April 5, 2010: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-48   Vacancies in the Senate

If an elected Senate position becomes vacant, the elected faculty council of the position’s school, college, or campus may conduct a special election to fill the remainder of the term for that position. The election shall conform to the principles in Section 22-47, Subsection C.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 55, May 25, 1977; S-A 104, April 9, 2001; S-A 110, July 9, 2003; S-A 122, April 5, 2010: all with Presidential approval; RC, November 17, 2011.

Section 22-49   Transitional Procedure

[A section providing for the transition from the 1952 to the 1956 revision (S-A 20, April 16, 1956); from the 1956 to the 1964 revision (S-A 29, June 8, 1964); from the 1964 to the 2010 revision (S-A 122, April 5, 2010): all with Presidential approval.]

Section 22-51   Meetings of the Senate

  1. Regular meetings of the Senate shall be held at least twice during each Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarter.
  2. Prior to each meeting the Secretary shall send an agenda to senators. Additionally, the agenda shall be available to all faculty.
  3. Any faculty member may attend Senate meetings. Nonmembers of the faculty, excepting those specified in this section, are not expected to attend unless invited by the Chair.
  4. Nonmembers of the Senate, other than those authorized in this section, do not have privileges of the floor but may be invited to speak by the Chair. The Chair shall give floor privileges to one representative of any department which does not have a senator among its faculty and which wishes to present business to the Senate or to discuss matters already before the Senate.
  5. When a faculty council is submitting a report to the Senate all members of that council may attend the Senate meeting with the right to participate in the discussion of the report.
  6. When the agenda calls for discussion of items which are immediately related to the responsibilities of particular administrative officers, the President may invite those officers to attend a Senate meeting so that they can answer questions and participate in the discussion of those agenda items. They would not have the privilege of vote.
  7. Special meetings of the Senate may be called by the Chair of the Senate, or by a majority of the Executive Committee.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 113, February 24, 2005: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-52   Meetings of Schools, Colleges, and Campuses

Any member of the Senate Executive Committee may call together the senators or the faculty members of any school, college, or campus for discussion of pending Senate business.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 104, April 9, 2001; S-A 122, April 5, 2010: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-53   Election of Senate Officers

  1. The Chair of the Senate shall serve a one-year term beginning on August 1 and ending on July 31 following their term as Vice Chair of the Senate in the preceding year. At the completion of the term, the Chair will serve as the Immediate Past Chair for one year.
  2. The Vice Chair shall be chosen from among the voting members of the faculty by a majority vote of the Senate each Winter Quarter. The Chair of the Senate, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall publish in the agenda for a regular Senate meeting the name of at least one nominee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. If no nominee receives the required majority vote in the election, all but the two highest shall be eliminated and a second ballot shall be cast.
  3. The elected Vice Chair shall assume office on August 1 in the calendar year of election. The term shall end on July 31 of the following calendar year.
  4. If the Senate elects a Vice Chair or Chair who is not a regularly elected senator, the Vice Chair or Chair shall be a senator ex officio with vote and shall be considered a member-at-large to whom the provisions of Section 22-45 do not apply.
  5. If the Vice Chair position becomes vacant in the course of the academic year, the Immediate Past Chair may serve as temporary Vice Chair until a new Vice Chair is chosen in a regular election. A temporary Vice Chair shall not succeed to the Chair.
  6. If for any reason the Vice Chair of the preceding year is unable to succeed to the Chair at the beginning of the next academic year, a new Chair shall be elected at the first regular meeting of the Autumn Quarter. The Vice Chair for the current year shall announce in the agenda for that meeting or if that be impossible, at the meeting itself, after consultation and with the advice and approval of the non-elected members of the Executive Committee, the name of at least one nominee for Chair from among the elected members of the Executive Committee. Additional nominations from among Executive Committee members may be made from the floor. If no nominee receives the required majority vote on the first ballot, all but the two highest shall be eliminated and a second ballot shall be cast.
  7. The Immediate Past Chair must preside over the Senate and Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair and the Vice Chair.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 30, June 27, 1966; S-A 37, June 8, 1971; S-A 42, June 9, 1972; S-A 86, December 8, 1992; S-A 93, May 17, 1995; S-A 111, June 1, 2004; S-A 132, March 25, 2014; S-A 164, May 9, 2023; S-A 177, February 14, 2025: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-54   Duties of the Chair

  1. The Chair presides at all meetings of the Senate, and shall sign the official copies of all Senate actions.
  2. The Chair of the Senate shall chair the Executive Committee.
  3. The Chair shall coordinate and expedite the work of the faculty councils.
  4. The Chair shall receive and take or recommend appropriate action on any request for information or any initial proposal relating to general University government from any member of the faculty.
  5. On all matters concerning the publication or public explanation of Senate actions the Chair shall be and is the sole spokesperson and representative of the Senate.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964 with Presidential approval.

Section 22-55   Duties of the Vice Chair

  1. The Vice Chair of the Senate shall preside over the Senate and the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair.
  2. The Vice Chair shall report and explain to the Senate the recommendations of the Executive Committee.
  3. In the event of a vacancy in the Chair after the beginning of the academic year, the Vice Chair shall become Chair for the remainder of the Chair’s term and shall serve the previously elected term as Chair during the following year. In the event of a vacancy in the Chair at the beginning of the academic year, the procedure described in Section 22-53, Section F must be followed.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 164, May 9, 2023; S-A 177, February 14, 2025: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-56   The Secretary of the Faculty

  1. The Secretary of the Faculty shall be a voting member of the faculty at the rank of associate professor or professor. The term of service shall normally be five years.
  2. The Secretary of the Faculty shall be elected by a majority vote of the Senate Executive Committee and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate. The Chair of the Senate shall publish the name of the individual elected by the Senate Executive Committee in the agenda of the Senate meeting in which confirmation is sought.
  3. If the position of the Secretary of the Faculty falls vacant, a committee consisting of the Senate Chair, Vice Chair, and immediate past Senate Chair shall appoint a temporary Secretary of the Faculty, pending a prompt election and confirmation process for a permanent successor.
  4. The Secretary of the Faculty shall keep the minutes and the records of the Senate.
  5. The Secretary of the Faculty shall administer the Office of University Committees. The Secretary of the Faculty shall also maintain a file of council and committee rosters and provide the Executive Committee with lists of nominees for council and committee appointments.
  6. The Secretary of the Faculty shall perform the additional duties prescribed in the Faculty Code.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 115, June 15, 2007; S-A 164, May 9, 2023; S-A 170, July 17, 2023: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-57   Procedures for Removal of Faculty Senate Officers, the Secretary of the Faculty, and the Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting

  1. The Faculty Senate Chair, the Senate Vice Chair, the Secretary of the Faculty, and the Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting each may be removed from office during their respective terms of service.
  2. The removal procedure is initiated by the submission to the Senate Executive Committee of a petition signed by no fewer than 25 voting members of the Faculty Senate. Upon receipt of such a petition, the Chair of the Senate Executive Committee shall immediately provide a copy of the petition to the named officer. The Senate Executive Committee at its next scheduled meeting shall place consideration of the petition on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate. The officer named in the petition shall have the right to submit a written rebuttal of the petition to the Senate Executive Committee. The petition and the rebuttal, if one has been submitted, shall be distributed with the meeting agenda to the members of the Faculty Senate.
  3. When the petition comes before the Faculty Senate, a representative of the petitioners and the responding faculty officer (or a designee selected by the responding faculty officer) shall be provided an opportunity to address the Faculty Senate and to answer questions. The petition shall fail unless approved by two-thirds or more of the voting members of the Faculty Senate present.
  4. If the petition is approved by vote of the Faculty Senate, the officer’s position shall become vacant at the conclusion of that Senate meeting

S-A 117, January 8, 2008; S-A 177, February 14, 2025: both with Presidential approval.

Section 22-58   Office of University Committees

The Office of University Committees shall maintain the records of the Senate, of the faculty councils, and of faculty committees, and provide assistance for the efficient handling of Senate affairs.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 117, January 8, 2008; S-A 122, April 5, 2010: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-60   Powers and Duties of the Senate Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee of the Senate is the faculty committee primarily responsible for the participation of the faculty in University government. Its main responsibilities are to assist the Senate in the discharge of its legislative duties and to provide an effective channel of communication and consultation between the President and the University faculty with respect to their joint and several responsibilities in the immediate government of the University.
  2. The Executive Committee of the Senate:
    1. Shall set the date and hour of each regular meeting of the Senate and of the Executive Committee;
    2. Shall prepare the agenda for Senate meetings;
    3. Shall include on the agenda any item requested in writing by at least 10% of the voting members of the faculty;
    4. Shall make recommendations to the Senate concerning proposed legislative actions;
    5. May request such reports from the faculty councils as it deems appropriate;
    6. Shall transmit to the Senate all faculty council reports as received and shall recommend appropriate action;
    7. May transmit to the Senate for its consideration and action any resolution relating to the general welfare of the University and its faculty;
    8. Shall consult with and advise the President and the President’s staff on general educational policy and other matters related to the institutional concerns of the University;
    9. Shall interpret after consultation with and on advice of the Advisory Committee on Faculty Code and Regulations (Section 22-61) the provisions of the Faculty Code on matters other than those within the jurisdiction of the Adjudication Panel (Chapter 28);*

      *The scope of this authority extends to any provision of the Faculty Code not currently the subject of an adjudication under Chapter 28SEC interpretation, meeting of March 25, 1996.
    10. Shall submit for Senate approval the nominees for chair and membership of the faculty councils;
    11. May appoint special committees or subcommittees advisory to itself;
    12. Shall act for the Senate during the period from the last Senate meeting in the Spring Quarter until the first meeting in the Autumn Quarter, and shall report such actions at the first Senate meeting in the Autumn Quarter.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 73, May 24, 1985; S-A 164, May 9, 2023: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-61   Advisory Committee on Faculty Code and Regulations

  1. The Advisory Committee on Faculty Code and Regulations:
    1. In accord with the provisions of Chapter 29, Section 29-33, Subsection E, shall report to the Senate Executive Committee the changes it recommends for each proposed amendment of the Faculty Code and Governance;
    2. Shall render advisory opinions on interpretations of the Faculty Code and Governance;
    3. Shall perform the following duties pertaining to University regulations:
      • Draft proposed additions to or amendments of University regulations at the request of the Senate or of any faculty council or committee or member of the Senate;
      • Be available for consultation upon the meaning of the University regulations or upon the status of existing rules governing any situation;
      • Recommend revision or clarification of University regulations.
  2. The Senate Executive Committee shall appoint a committee chair, to serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The committee chair is responsible for performance, under the direction of the committee, of the duties specified in Subsection A.1 of this section. The committee chair shall be a member of the faculty who has either legal training or other qualifying training and experience for the drafting of regulations and the interpretation and codification of enacted materials. To provide continuity of technical advice available to the committee, the Senate Executive Committee shall endeavor to appoint as committee chair a person who will be able to serve over a period of years.
  3. The Advisory Committee on Faculty Code and Regulations is advisory to the Senate Executive Committee and is responsible to it. Members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee subject to confirmation by the Senate. Members shall serve three-year terms and may be reappointed to an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

S-A 29, June 8, 1964 with Presidential approval; RC, December 9, 2013; S-A 132, March 25, 2014; S-A 164, May 9, 2023: both with Presidential approval.

Section 22-62   Membership of the Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee consists of the following voting members:
    1. The President of the University or a designated representative;
    2. The Chair of the Senate;
    3. The Vice Chair of the Senate;
    4. The Immediate Past Chair of Senate;
    5. The Chair of the General Faculty Organization of the University of Washington Bothell;
    6. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly of the University of Washington Tacoma;
    7. Three faculty council chairs;
    8. The Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting;
    9. Eight senators chosen from the elected members of the Faculty Senate who will be sitting senators during their term on the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Ex officio members without vote are:
    1. The Provost;
    2. The Faculty Legislative Representative and Deputy Faculty Legislative Representative;
    3. The Presidents of the Associated Students of the University of Washington, the Associated Students of the University of Washington Bothell, and the Associated Students of the University of Washington Tacoma;
    4. The President of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate;
    5. The Secretary of the Faculty.
  3. The Senate Executive Committee members listed in Subsections A.7 and A.8 above shall be elected to one-year terms to commence on September 16 of each year.
  4. Each faculty council chair elected per Subsection A.7 above may serve an unlimited number of terms.
  5. Each senator elected per Subsection A.8 above may serve an unlimited number of one-year terms, but shall serve no more than three terms consecutively.
  6. The Chair of the Faculty Senate may invite the chairs of faculty councils and the chairs of elected faculty councils of schools, colleges, and campuses to attend meetings of the Senate Executive Committee to report, answer questions, and participate in the discussion of relevant agenda items. Invitees are without vote.
  7. The President may invite administrative officers to attend meetings of the Senate Executive Committee to answer questions and participate in the discussion of relevant agenda items. Invitees are without vote.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 42, June 9, 1972; S-A 71, February 5, 1985; S-A 88, May 25, 1993; S-A 96, December 4, 1996; S-A 104, April 9, 2001; S-A 113, February 24, 2005; S-A 122, April 5, 2010; S-A 132, March 25, 2014; S-A 163, March 3, 2023; S-A 177, February 14, 2025: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-63   Election of the Executive Committee

  1. The election of Executive Committee members shall be conducted after the regular Senate elections but before the end of Spring Quarter.
  2. The Chair and immediate past Chair of the Faculty Senate shall appoint a nominating committee that shall nominate at least one candidate for each Executive Committee position. Nominations of the faculty council chairs shall consider the relationship of the council’s work to the Senate’s upcoming agenda. The nominations as a whole shall provide broad representation across academic disciplines, such as Health Sciences, Arts and Sciences, and other schools and colleges, and shall endeavor to balance continuity and turnover of representation.
  3. At a regular Senate meeting prior to the end of the academic year, the Chair of the Senate, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall publish in the agenda for that meeting the name of at least one eligible nominee for each elected Executive Committee position. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. An electronic vote will follow within one week of that meeting. The nominee receiving the highest number of votes for a position is elected. In the event of a tie, any untied nominees are eliminated and electronic ballots shall be cast again.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964; S-A 37, February 8, 1971; S-A 113, February 24, 2005; S-A 122, April 5, 2010: all with Presidential approval; RC, November 17, 2011.

Section 22-64   Vacancies in the Executive Committee

  1. If an Executive Committee member discontinues elected membership during the interval between Executive Committee elections, a successor shall be elected in the manner prescribed by Section 22-63, Subsections B and C for the initial election of Executive Committee members.
  2. A senator elected to fill a vacancy in the Executive Committee serves for the unexpired committee term of the senator who has discontinued membership.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 55, May 25, 1977; S-A 122, April 5, 2010; S-A 164, May 9, 2023: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-65   Officers of the Executive Committee

  1. The Chair of the Senate shall chair the Executive Committee.
  2. The Vice Chair of the Senate is the Vice Chair of the Executive Committee and shall chair its meetings in the Chair’s absence.
  3. The Secretary of the Faculty is the Secretary of the Executive Committee.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 29, June 8, 1964: both with Presidential approval.

Section 22-66   Meetings of the Executive Committee

  1. A regular meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held not less than ten days before each regular meeting of the Senate.
  2. The President, the Chair of the Senate, or any three members of the Executive Committee may call a special meeting of the committee.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 43, June 13, 1972: both with Presidential approval.

Section 22-67   Calendar of Executive Committee Meetings

  1. At the meeting of the Executive Committee which precedes the final Senate meeting of the Spring Quarter, the Secretary shall present a proposed calendar for the next academic year. This shall include:
    1. The date and hour of each regular meeting of the Senate;
    2. The date and hour of each regular meeting of the Executive Committee; and
    3. The latest date, prior to each regular meeting of the Executive Committee, upon which material to be considered at that meeting must be delivered to the Secretary.
  2. The Executive Committee shall then determine the calendar for the ensuing academic year, and the Secretary shall announce it to the Senate at the regular meeting which follows.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956 with Presidential approval.

Section 22-68   Agenda of Executive Committee Meetings

  1. The Secretary shall give notice of the final date for submitting material for consideration by the Executive Committee at any of its regular meetings. Material which is not submitted before this date shall not be placed upon the agenda and shall not be considered except as provided in Subsection B of this section.
  2. Not less than five days before each meeting of the Executive Committee the Secretary, with approval of the Chair of the Senate, shall prepare and issue an agenda for the meeting. Only matters which appear on the agenda shall be considered at the meeting unless the committee decides otherwise by a two-thirds vote.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 113, February 24, 2005: both with Presidential approval.

Section 22-71   Senate Procedure:  Classes of Senate Actions

  1. Class A Senate actions are those which amend the Faculty Code. Such actions shall conform with procedure set forth in Chapter 29.
  2. Class B Senate actions are legislative actions other than Class A actions. Such actions shall conform with procedures set forth in Section 22-74.
  3. Class C Senate actions are non-legislative actions which include passage of resolutions, appointment of committees, approval or disapproval of committee reports, reception of reports or information, and determination of Senate By-Laws.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956 with Presidential approval.

Section 22-72   Senate Procedure:  New Business

  1. Unless the measure has been proposed in the agenda, or unless consent is given by a two-thirds vote of those present, the Senate shall not act finally upon a Class B action at the meeting in which the action is first introduced.
  2. To obtain Senate consideration of a Class B measure, a faculty member shall:
    1. Request a senator to introduce it at a meeting of the Senate for consideration at the next ensuing meeting, or
    2. Present it in writing to the Executive Committee with a request that it be placed on the agenda of the next Senate meeting.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956 with Presidential approval.

Section 22-73   Senate Procedure and Procedure of the President:  Class B Actions

All Class B actions are subject to the provisions of Executive Order No. IV, Section 3, and shall be certified by the Chair on an official copy which shall be promptly transmitted by the Secretary to the President. Except as provided below, the President within 14 days shall note upon this copy approval or disapproval of the action and notify the Chair and the Secretary of the decision. If the action requires additional consideration, the President may extend this time limit, in which case the President shall notify the Chair and the Secretary of the extension. If the President does not act upon the matter in any of the ways here specified, the action shall be deemed approved. If the President disapproves a Class B action, the President shall present to the Executive Committee, for the information of the Senate at its next regular meeting, a statement of the reasons for the decision.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 164, May 9, 2023: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-74   Senate Procedure: Class B Actions

  1. Each Senate action in Class B shall be duplicated in a Class B Bulletin and a copy sent by the Secretary to each member of the faculty within ten days of approval of the action by the President. A Class B action is suspended if written objections to its substantive nature by 5% or more of voting members of the faculty or by two-thirds of the eligible voting faculty of either the University of Washington, Bothell, or of the University of Washington, Tacoma, are presented to the Secretary within 14 days of its publication in a Class B Bulletin. In the Spring Quarter, such Class B Bulletin shall be published no later than June 1. Winter and Spring breaks shall not be counted in the 14 day period. Persons offering such an objection shall be invited to express their views, orally or in writing, at the next meeting of the Executive Committee, and if they desire, of the Senate. If the Senate amends the disputed action, the legislation shall be submitted in its revised form to the President, and if approved by the President, made subject to review by the faculty in the manner prescribed for the original Class B action. If the Senate reaffirms the disputed action, the legislation shall be distributed to the faculty for a vote within 14 days following the announcement of the Senate’s reaffirmation in a Class B Bulletin. A vote of the faculty shall be conducted in the manner provided by Chapter 29, Section 29-36, Subsection B. At the next regular meeting of the Senate, the Chair shall announce the results of the vote of the faculty.
  2. A Class B action is presumptively within the legislative jurisdiction of the Senate (Section 22-32, Subsection B.1) unless written objection to such jurisdiction, signed by 1% or more voting members of the faculty, is presented to the Secretary within 14 days following publication of the appropriate Class B Bulletin. The objection so raised shall be referred to the President who shall rule on the legality of the action and report a ruling to the Senate.
  3. Actions of the Senate in Class B which are not subject to faculty vote become effective upon expiration of the time allowed for initiation of the faculty vote. Actions of the Senate in Class B which are subject to a faculty vote become effective on the completion of the time period of the faculty vote, if approved by a majority of the ballots cast.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 35, June 17, 1970; S-A 90, May 17, 1994; S-A  104, April 9, 2001; S-A 132, March 25, 2014; S-A 174, May 30, 2024: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-75   Senate Procedure: Class C Actions

  1. Senate actions in Class C become effective upon adoption by the Senate.
  2. Class C actions shall be duplicated in the minutes of the Faculty Senate which are sent to all faculty members as a Class C Bulletin. Class C Bulletins may also be used to convey to the faculty any information such as that pertaining to Senate elections, Senate membership, membership of faculty councils and faculty committees, contents of faculty council and faculty committee reports, or other information.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956; S-A 113, February 24, 2005: both with Presidential approval.

Section 22-76   Senate Procedure: Enactment or Amendment of By-Laws

Adoption or amendment of Senate By-Laws requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate. Such actions shall be reported to all members of the faculty in a Class C Bulletin.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956 with Presidential approval.

Section 22-81   Minutes of Senate Meetings

The minutes of the Senate shall be made available by the Secretary for examination by any member of the faculty.

Section 13-31, April 16, 1956 with Presidential approval; RC, December 4, 2013.

Section 22-91   Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting

  1. The Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting shall advise the administration and shall inform the Faculty Senate on long-range planning and on preparation of budgets and distribution of funds with particular reference to faculty concerns. The committee shall be guided by the advice of the Executive Committee and/or the Senate on matters of policy.
  2. It shall be the responsibility of the Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting to report committee activities on a regular basis to, and to seek advice from, the Executive Committee and the Senate. The Chair shall be a member of the Senate Executive Committee.
  3. The committee membership shall consist of:
    1. Sixteen faculty members, including;
      1. The Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting, whose nomination and election are governed by procedures set forth in Chapter 22, Section 22-92 of the Faculty Code;
      2. The Senate Chair;
      3. The Faculty Legislative Representative and Deputy Legislative Representative;
      4. Nine at-large faculty members, nomination, election, and replacement of whom shall be governed by procedures set forth in Chapter 42, Section 42-32 of the Faculty Code, and who shall serve three-year terms; in nominating such members, the Senate Executive Committee shall maintain representation from the colleges, schools, and campuses, including at least one representative each from the Bothell, Seattle, and Tacoma campuses and the School of Medicine;
      5. The Senate Vice Chair;
      6. The Immediate Past Chair of the Senate;
      7. The Secretary of the Faculty;
    2. The Provost, the Senior Vice President for Finance, Planning and Budgeting, the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel and Faculty, and a representative of the Board of Deans and Chancellors;
    3. One student member nominated jointly by the ASUW and GPSS, and who shall serve a one-year term;
    4. The Presidents of the ASUW, ASUWB, ASUWT, and GPSS, who shall serve ex officio without vote.
  4. Terms of members shall begin on September 16, unless otherwise specified at the time of appointment.

S-A 71, February 5, 1985; S-A 88, May 25, 1993; S-A 112, June 1, 2004; S-A 113, February 24, 2005: all with Presidential approval; RC, April 22, 2010; RC, June 29, 2011; RC, May 11, 2015; S-A 145, March 1, 2019; S-A 154, June 29, 2021; S-A 177, February 14, 2025: all with Presidential approval.

Section 22-92   Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting

The Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting must be a voting member of the faculty at the rank of associate professor or professor. The term of service will normally be three years.

The Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting must be elected by a majority vote of the Senate Executive Committee and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate. The Chair of the Senate must publish the name of the individual elected by the Senate Executive Committee in the agenda of the Senate meeting in which confirmation is sought.

If the position of Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting falls vacant, a committee consisting of the Senate Chair, Vice Chair, and Immediate Past Chair must appoint a temporary Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting, pending a prompt election and confirmation process for a permanent successor.

S-A 177, February 14, 2025 with Presidential approval.