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Chapter 207 Policy for Coordination of Placement of Temporary Facilities on the University of Washington Seattle Campus

Temporary facilities may be placed on the campus to meet short-term University needs for space. The siting of these facilities often does not conform to the University Master Plan for the development of permanent facilities and is not subject to the normal coordination procedures used for permanent construction. Therefore, before any temporary facility is placed on campus, the office or activity proposing placement of the facility will coordinate its siting with appropriate University offices, neighboring units and with the Faculty Council on University Facilities and Services. This is to ensure that faculty and staff are notified of the proposed temporary facility, the anticipated removal date, and given an opportunity to provide input to the University administration prior to a decision being made regarding the facility’s placement.

The coordination procedures to be followed are:

  • The office or activity proposing placement of the temporary facility will first coordinate its placement with the Capital and Space Planning Office, the Capital Projects Office, and the Facilities Services Office.
  • Once the above coordination has been completed, the office or activity proposing placement of the temporary facility will provide a description of the proposed facility and its anticipated impact on the surrounding environment, an anticipated date for its removal, and a diagram depicting its proposed location to neighboring units occupying space near the proposed facility site.
  • Once these units have been given an opportunity to provide input, the office or activity proposing placement of the temporary facility will provide the same information and the comments of affected neighboring units to the Faculty Council on University Facilities and Services.
  • The council will review the proposal and provide written comments to the proposing office or activity and to the University administration. In emergency situations, the Council Chair may elect to review the proposal and provide comments rather than convene a special council meeting.

AI, November 16, 2001.