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Article VII—Exercise of Powers

The Board and its committees shall take final action only at meetings called as provided by applicable law and these Bylaws, and all matters coming before the Board or its committees for action shall be determined by the majority vote of its members present, the members present being not less than a quorum, except as otherwise specified herein. The member of the Board who is presiding at a meeting shall be entitled to make motions, second motions, vote, and otherwise participate in the meeting to the same extent as the other members of the Board. The Student Regent may not participate or vote on matters relating to the hiring, discipline, tenure, or compensation of faculty members and personnel. The Faculty Regent may not participate or vote on matters relating to the hiring, discipline, tenure, or compensation of specific faculty members, including the evaluation in executive session of the performance of public employees with faculty appointments.

BR, December 17, 1976; July 17, 1998; January 21, 2000; November 14, 2013 [Effective January 1, 2014]; September 8, 2022.

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