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APS 73.2 – Travel Expenses for Prospective Employees

Table of Contents


(Approved by the Executive Vice President by authority of Administrative Order No. 9)

1.  Overview

In accord with Chapter 43.03 RCW, the University may pay a prospective employee the necessary travel expense in connection with interviewing or examining the prospective employee.

2.  Qualified Prospective Employees

Prospective employees are limited to applicants for positions as follows:

A.   Academic Personnel

Includes the President, vice presidents, deans, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, instructors, research faculty, librarians, research associates, and teaching associates.

B.   Classified and Professional Staff

Includes staff in professional, executive, management, or technical classifications where the recruitment has extended beyond the local area, and/or for employees who possess skills not available locally, or who are recruited to fulfill affirmative action goals. Approval by the director of Recruiting and Candidate Services is required to establish these criteria.

3.  Approval Procedures

A.   For Academic Personnel

Approved expenses may be charged to one of the following:

  • State funds allocated to a college or major division budget.
  • An appropriate federal grant or contract, provided sufficient funds are available, and the grant or contract does not specifically prohibit expenditures for this purpose. This is in accordance with cost principles applicable to federal grants and contracts, which provide that, “travel costs of applicants for interviews for prospective employment are allowable to the extent that such costs are incurred pursuant to a well-managed recruitment program.”

B.   For Classified and Professional Staff

Once approval has been obtained from the Recruiting and Candidate Services, interview expenses may be paid from the department’s funds, from grant or contract funds (subject to the limitations described in Section 4), or by the Recruiting and Candidate Services, subject to the prior approval by the director of Recruiting and Candidate Services and the availability of funds.

4.  Use of Grant or Contract Funds

Cost principles applicable to federal grants and contracts provide that, “travel costs of applicants for interviews for prospective employment are allowable to the extent that such costs are incurred pursuant to a well-managed recruitment program.” Interview costs that meet these requirements may be charged to appropriate federal grants or contracts when sufficient funds are available and the grant or contract does not specifically prohibit expenditures for this purpose. If the terms are not entirely clear, call the Grant and Contract Services Office for an interpretation.

5.  Allowable Travel Expenses

Travel expenses are defined as necessary expenses which have been incurred by a prospective employee while traveling to and from a designated place for an interview or employment examination. Travel expenses authorized for this purpose are subject to the same rates and restrictions that apply to travel by University employees. In addition, the following rules apply:

  • Reimbursement for travel is to be limited to the time required to travel by the most expeditious means.
  • Transportation expenses are to be authorized in an amount not to exceed the coach class round trip airfare.
  • Per diem is allowed at the same rates as apply to University employees.

Other reimbursable expenses may include necessary costs incurred in travel by taxi, bus, rental vehicle, or other conveyance when traveling to and from the prospective employee’s residence, a commercial carrier terminal, temporary lodging facilities, and/or the interview or examination location.

6.  Unallowable Travel Expenses

Meal and lodging costs in excess of the allowable for employees, as well as airfare, meals, and lodging costs for the candidate’s spouse and/or family members are unallowable. These expenses can be paid or reimbursed only out of discretionary funds.

7.  Reimbursement Procedures and Additional Information

Reimbursement procedures and additional information on travel are available through the UW Travel website.

October 14, 2002.