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APS 56.3 – Recycling Program

Table of Contents


(Approved by the Executive Vice President by authority of Administrative Order No. 9)

1.  Policy

Recycling is a vital means of energy and material conservation. The Waste Not Washington Act (Chapter 70.95 RCW) directs government entities to implement waste reduction and recycling programs, purchase products made from recycled materials, and purchase products that are recyclable.

Recycling at the University is part of a comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The recycling program is designed to be visible, convenient, and to maximize the recovery of waste. The Plan includes waste reduction, procurement of recycled goods, waste collection and disposal, administrative oversight, and outreach efforts designed to educate the campus community regarding recycling opportunities and services.

The recycling program’s success depends on the cooperation of faculty, staff, and students. Every person on campus plays a significant role in responsible waste management and the preservation of our state’s natural resources.

2.  Additional Information

For detailed information regarding the University’s recycling program contact the Recycling Program.

For more information regarding purchasing office products with recycled content contact University Stores.

For information regarding purchasing recycled office furniture, contact the Surplus Property Office.

May 1, 2002.