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(Approved by the Executive Vice President by authority of Administrative Order No. 9)
1. Policy
In compliance with RCW 28B.10.029 the University must dispose of excess equipment, furniture, and materials through policies governing the state of Washington’s Department of General Administration. Departments and individuals may not sell, give away, or throw away University property. This includes but is not limited to non-inventoried property, equipment parts, and property received as a gift. The Surplus Property program is the only entity that has been delegated the authority to dispose of the University’s excess property. There are also specific policies that govern the disposal of federal property. Federal property cannot be disposed of without prior written approval from the appropriate federal funding agency. University departments wanting to dispose of excess federal property must contact the Equipment Inventory Office to determine the status of the property and to review disposal options.
2. Additional Information
For detailed information on the disposal of University property, contact the Surplus Property Office.
For detailed information on the disposal of federal property, contact the Equipment Inventory Office.
May 1, 2002.