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Approved by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Facilities by authority of Administrative Order No. 9)
1. Transportation Services and Parking Management
Transportation Services provides access to commuter and residential parking at the University of Washington, Seattle. The University is responsible for managing parking to allow campus access. Transportation Services manages the parking for the University through designating lots, designating parking spaces for specific uses, permitting, and enforcing parking rules within Chapter 478-116 WAC and this policy statement.
2. Designation of Parking Areas, Allocation of Stalls, and Hours of Operation
Transportation Services shall designate and mark the parking areas on the Seattle campus. Transportation Services shall also conspicuously post the areas’ hours of operation.
Transportation Services will allocate parking stalls and hours of operation in a manner that satisfies the objectives in WAC 478-116-020, while also serving the business needs of the University and Transportation Services. Area assignments, allocation of permits, and hours of operation may be changed at any time by Transportation Services to meet the business needs of the University and Transportation Services.
3. License and Registration Required
Permit holders must possess a driver’s license recognized as valid by the state of Washington. The vehicle for which the applicant seeks a permit must also be licensed and registered in a way recognized as valid by the state of Washington. Accurate and complete vehicle license information is required at the time of purchase.
4. Types of Permits
Transportation Services shall establish a variety of parking permits to efficiently manage the limited parking resources at the University of Washington, Seattle. Information regarding the types of permits available to University of Washington, Seattle patrons will be available through the Transportation Services and posted at the Commuter Services website. Permit validity may be limited as to the time, date, location, or duration of parking, or to a specific vehicle.
5. Carpool and Disability Permits
Carpool permits may be issued to groups of employees, “organized carpools,” who commute to campus in the same vehicle. Students may not be registered as participants in organized carpools. One transferable quarterly or annual permit will be issued by Transportation Services for each carpool. This permit is transferable only among the registered members of the carpool.
The University provides parking for the disabled in accordance with requirements of federal and state law.
6. Impromptu Carpool Policy
Impromptu carpools can purchase daily parking for campus lots at a discounted rate. Eligibility for discounted impromptu carpool rates is determined by the number of persons in the vehicle and their status at the University.
All impromptu carpool participants must have a valid U-PASS adhered to or activated within their University-issued Husky Card.
Eligibility standards for impromptu carpools shall be made available at Transportation Services and on the Commuter Services website
Impromptu carpool parking shall be prohibited during major campus special events.
7. Conditions of a Permit
Permits allow the individual to whom the permit is assigned to park within a designated lot and/or space for a designated period of time. As a condition of all permits, Transportation Services may reassign the permit temporarily or permanently to a different lot and/or space than designated on the permit. Transportation Services will make a good faith effort to inform permit holders under what circumstances they would be required to park in a lot and/or space other than the one indicated by their permits.
8. Permit Periods
The annual permit period begins July 1 each year. Quarterly permit periods for faculty and staff parking commence on July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1 of each year. Quarterly permit periods for students commence at the beginning of each academic quarter. Transportation Services holds the ability to change these permit periods or issue permits for nonstandard periods in order to address University business interests.
9. Parking Fee Payment for Permitted Parking
A. Paying for a Permit
Payment for a parking permit may be made in one of the following ways:
- By cash or electronic payment in accordance with current department business procedures.
- Permanent faculty and staff regularly receiving semi-monthly paychecks may pay for a permit using payroll deduction. Deductions will be taken from semi-monthly paychecks for the current period and for all previous parking periods not yet collected. Persons selecting this plan must authorize deduction electronically or in writing, in addition to submitting the appropriate parking permit application.
Deductions are terminated by completing a payroll deduction termination form and returning any unexpired permit. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to terminate deductions or run the risk of additional charges accruing and being sent to collections.
B. Permit Holder’s Responsibility
Payment for parking permits is the responsibility of the permit holder. If the permit holder pays for the permit through payroll deduction, outstanding permit fees may be deducted at the next available payroll cycle. If Commuter Services is not able to deduct payment for two consecutive pay periods, parking privileges may be suspended until payment has been made.
10. Parking Fee Payment for Daily and Hourly Parking
Payment for daily or hourly parking is the responsibility of the parker. Daily parking permits may be provided via gatehouses, University departments, or permit vending machines. Payment for spaces regulated by a permit issuance machine or meter is paid directly to the permit issuance machine or meter associated with the space. Daily parking rates will be posted at all gatehouses and at the Commuter Services website. Form of payment shall be in keeping with current department business procedures.
11. Visitor Parking
A. No Permit Required
No permit shall be required for the following motor vehicles:
- Marked taxis, marked tow trucks, marked commercial delivery vehicles, and marked media vehicles, which have submitted a signed agreement to comply with University guidelines outlined in Chapter 478-116 WAC and this policy statement, may park for limited time periods; and
- School buses and tour buses parking in assigned locations.
B. No Cost Permits Required
Permits shall be available during Transportation Services’ hours of operation at no cost to the driver for the following:
- Unmarked commercial delivery motor vehicles under contract to the University, for limited time periods;
- Vehicles operated by members of the non-University press presenting recognized credentials, while pursuing a story;
- Properly identified persons retired from the University but not reemployed by the University shall be provided complimentary parking.
- For a limited time period, persons dropping off and picking up children enrolled in University programs authorized by Transportation Services;
- Utility meter readers and other city, county, or state agencies making inspections;
- Contractors hired by the University for a particular job parked inside approved, fenced construction sites or peripheral contractor parking areas approved in advance by Transportation Services; and
- Outside agency vehicles subcontracted through Fleet Services.
Transportation Services may waive the fee associated with the above complimentary parking or recharge the fee to the appropriate University department in accordance with current department business procedures.
C. Guest Parking
Third parties, including University departments, may pay Transportation Services directly for all or part of the parking fees for their guests based on the established fee schedule.
D. Off-Campus Employees
Unless otherwise prohibited, University departments may pay Transportation Services directly for the parking fees incurred by employees not stationed on campus who are required to occasionally come to campus.
E. Ethical Violations
Nothing in this section allows a University employee to receive, or attempt to receive, any benefit associated with his or her personal transportation expenses in violation of the State Ethics Act. All questionable employee conduct regarding the application of this section is reported to, and investigated by, the University’s Internal Audit Department.
12. Loading and Unloading Persons or Property
The University can designate marked loading/unloading zones where vehicles are only allowed to stop, stand, or park for the expeditious unloading, delivery, or pick up of property for limited periods of time. Time limits for loading/unloading zones shall be set by Transportation Services and posted on signage adjacent to the zone.
The driver of a vehicle may stop or stand temporarily at a loading zone while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not interfere with any vehicle which is waiting to enter or about to enter such zone to load or unload property. In no case shall the stop for loading and unloading of property exceed the posted time limit or violate any posted regulations per WAC 478-116-191.
Drivers of vehicles may stand temporarily in a parking space while waiting to load or unload passengers when such standing does not interfere with permitted vehicles attempting to park. To ensure availability of parking spaces for permit holders, authorized agents of Transportation Services may request those standing in parking spaces to move their vehicles.
13. Special Events and Arranged Parking
A. Transportation Services Oversight
Parking for special event attendees may displace regular Transportation Services customers. Transportation Services will make a good faith effort to find alternatives for its regular permit holders and visitors during special events.
Special event parking rates will be charged to attendees of events and/or departments hosting events that require additional Transportation Services staffing or administration.
B. Renting Special Event Parking
Transportation Services may rent available parking facilities to sponsors of events that require parking or parking facilities, when the event is not staffed by Transportation Services. Renting facilities grants the right to park vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles associated with the event in accordance with Chapter 478-116 WAC and Chapter 478-136 WAC or to conduct Transportation Services’ approved non-parking activities. Facilities may not be rented to be an event venue without express permission from Transportation Services. Facilities cannot be rented by departments to allow student, faculty, or staff members to park while attending to regular work duties or attending classes that are distinct from a special event.
Event sponsors shall arrange payment in advance for use of any rented facility. Transportation Services determines the rental fee based upon factors including, but not limited to:
- Attendance;
- Amount of space used;
- Duration of event; and
- Support services requested by event organizers, required by University or Transportation Services’ policies and procedures, or deemed necessary to protect University interests.
Event sponsors may not resell (sublet) the space within the rented facility for more than what is charged by Transportation Services, or provide preferential registration with a price differential solely due to parking and that is greater than the public price of parking without prior approval from Transportation Services. Additional taxes or administrative costs may apply.
C. Extended Business Hours
Transportation Services may extend its normal business hours to encompass the hours of special events. Transportation Services takes into consideration event size, the event’s potential impact on the transportation system, required jurisdictional permitting, the cumulative impact of the event in conjunction with other events occurring in the area, and requirements outlined in existing regulations when determining whether to extend its normal business hours.
D. Guest Parking at Special Events
University departments and organizations recognized as having official affiliation with the University of Washington may prearrange parking for their guests on a space available basis. Departments have the option of paying for guest parking based on Section 11 of this policy statement; otherwise, their guests will be responsible for paying the parking fee in full. University departments may collect parking fees to facilitate pre-paid parking only with the prior approval of Transportation Services.
E. Costs and Fees
Costs for pre-purchased parking and implementation of alternative transportation for an event shall be set by Transportation Services, provided that Transportation Services consults with the department/organization hosting the event.
Fees for special events will be set for no less than what is required to recover costs associated with staging the parking for the event.
F. Changes to Special Event Plans
It is the responsibility of the event sponsor to notify Transportation Services of any change within their event plan in a timely manner. Transportation Services may collect the costs associated with a special event parking request unless the request is cancelled more than 24 hours in advance of the event. Additional expenses to the University due to unapproved changes to the event shall be paid to Transportation Services by the event sponsor.
14. Parking Outside of Designated Parking Areas
All vehicles shall park in designated parking areas within one space as outlined in WAC 478-116-135, with the following exceptions:
- Stacked parking of vehicles is allowed only when explicitly authorized in a parking facility lease agreement issued by Transportation Services.
- University vehicles may park outside of designated parking areas while actively working at a nearby site if they are not blocking a pedestrian pathway, blocking a roadway, or creating a public safety hazard. University vehicles parked in landscaped areas must be authorized by Campus Maintenance and Alterations Outside Zone.
- Vehicles may park in non-designated parking areas for special events with the permission of Transportation Services and the building owner/operator for the area in which the event is held.
- Construction vehicles may park in non-designated parking areas within fenced construction sites in accordance with Section 11.b, Item 6 above.
15. Refund Conditions
Refunds may be issued for unused portions of permits which were paid for in full at the time of acquisition following the return of the permit to Transportation Services. The refund schedule will be established by Transportation Services and can be obtained at the Commuter Services website.
Any unpaid fines for parking violations will be deducted from any refund due, including refunds due to revocation of parking privileges.
16. Fee In Lieu of Fine
Transportation Services allows departments that can establish in writing that a parking citation issued by Transportation Services was received as a result of parking a vehicle for the purpose of conducting official state or University business to be assessed a “fee in lieu of fine” instead of paying of the citation fine or going through the appeal process. Request for paying a fee in lieu of fine must be signed by a department fiscal custodian. University departments are encouraged to avoid additional fees associated with fees in lieu of fine by purchasing and storing Department Commuter Tickets or Validation Coupons and by making them available to visitors as the department deems necessary.
17. Distribution of Literature
No person may distribute literature by placing it on motor vehicles parked on the campus. Literature includes, but is not limited to, pamphlets, flyers, and stickers.
18. Additional Information
For further information, contact Commuter Services.
September 29, 2011.
For related information, see:
- Chapter 478-116 WAC, “Parking and Traffic Rules of the University of Washington, Seattle.”