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APS 47.5 – Acceptance of Gifts or Contributions from Representatives of the Alcoholic Beverage Industry

Table of Contents


(Approved by the chairs of the Use of University Facilities Committees by authority of Executive Order No. 1 and Chapter 478-136 WAC)          

1.  Policy

The laws of the state of Washington, Chapter 66.28 RCW, prohibit liquor manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, or agents or campus representatives thereof from conducting promotional activities on college and university campuses and engaging in activities that facilitate or promote the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the students of those colleges and universities. The statute does allow these entities to provide financial assistance to an activity, and the colleges and universities to acknowledge its source, if the assistance, activity and acknowledgment are each approved by the administration of the colleges or universities.

It is the policy of the University of Washington that gifts of funds or services in support of campus activities may be accepted from marketers, distributors or producers of alcoholic beverages under the conditions set forth below.

  • The appropriate campus Committee on the Use of University Facilities, or its designee, shall review and approve gifts and related activities covered by this policy.
  • Gifts must not directly advertise a product. Identification of the source of the gift through the official corporate name, or a product logo when deemed appropriate, may be used in publicity.
  • Funds or services from each gift must be directed toward a specific University department, organization or activity, and must be in accord with guidelines approved by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.
  • For gifts that exceed $500 in funds or services, five percent of the gift must be available to the University for alcohol education or research.
  • Acceptance of a gift must be approved before the activity for which it is designated may be carried out.

2.  Additional Information

For detailed information and forms, contact the appropriate campus Committee on the Use of University Facilities:

At the UW Seattle, the Office of Special Programs.

At the UW Bothell, the Office of Administration, Planning, and Finance.

At the UW Tacoma, the Office of Finance and Administration.

August 8, 2001; November 2, 2006; April 13 2015; RC, December 1, 2015.