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(Approved by the Vice President for Human Resources by authority of Executive Order No. 9)
1. Policy
This policy encourages and supports leave accruing University of Washington employees who volunteer as organ donors by allowing them to receive leave donations from other eligible University employees for the medically necessary time off work required by the organ donation process. The organ donor does not have to exhaust their accrued annual and/or sick leave to receive leave from other employees.
This policy is exclusive to the University of Washington, and is separate from and not related to the state authorized leave sharing program. Non-University of Washington state employees are not eligible to participate in this program either as leave donors or as leave recipients.
All full and part-time University of Washington employees holding appointments with monthly annual and sick leave accrual are eligible to participate in this program, either as a leave recipient or as a donor of leave. As with the regular shared leave program, giving leave and receiving leave requires departmental approval.
2. Definition
For purposes of this policy, the term “organ donation” means donation of a whole organ such as a kidney, or donation of part of an organ or of tissue (e.g., liver), and it includes pre-donation testing or preparation, the donation process, and post donation recovery. The term “organ donation” does not include the donation of blood or blood components that are taken by blood withdrawal.
3. Requesting to Donate or Receive Organ Donor Shared Leave
For detailed information about organ donor shared leave and the procedures for donating and receiving organ donor shared leave, see the Shared Leave Program web page.
4. Additional Information
For additional information or assistance, contact the appropriate Human Resources Service Team Member listed on the Human Resources Service Team Assignments web page.
5. History
June 3, 2013.
For related information, see:
- Administrative Policy Statement 45.10, “Shared Leave Program for Classified Non-Union and Contract-Classified Staff, Professional Staff Employees, and Librarians”