(Approved by the President per delegation of authority Administrative Order No. 9)
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to describe time off use and compensation practices for classified and professional staff during a period of suspended operations declared in accordance with Executive Order No 27.
2. Suspension of Operations
- Employees Designated as Performing an Essential Service
Employees designated as performing an essential service, in accordance with Administrative Policy Statement 40.2, who are required to work during an operational suspension, receive their regular rate of pay in accordance with University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, including overtime and/or applicable premium pay.
Time off practices for these employees are the same: suspended operations, regular work periods, and evening, night, and weekend shifts.
Employees designated as performing an essential service that are not on duty, but are required to remain on or near the University premises during suspended operations, will be reimbursed for the cost of food, housing, or related expenses, unless such services are otherwise provided by the employing unit.
- Employees Not Required to Work
- Overtime Eligible Employees
When a suspension of operations is declared, time off use and compensation practices for employees not required to work are in accordance with the provisions of applicable collective bargaining agreements (contract classified staff), the Professional Staff Program (professional staff), or civil service rules (classified non-union staff). In the absence of specific collective bargaining agreement, Professional Staff Program, or civil service rules to the contrary, overtime eligible employees not required to work during a suspension of operations may account for missed work time as follows:
- Vacation time off.
- Personal holiday (full day only).
- Accumulated compensatory time or holiday credit.
- Unpaid time off.
- For operational suspensions of seven calendar days or less, make up the time missed. The makeup time worked following suspended operations must be completed within 90 calendar days of the date on which the period of suspended operations ended. The makeup time is credited as straight time, except where the federal Fair Labor Standards Act requires that such time be credited at time and one-half. However, the total amount of compensation an employee earns should not exceed the amount of salary that would have normally been earned had operations not been suspended.
- Overtime Exempt Employees
In the absence of a specific collective bargaining agreement, Professional Staff Program, or civil service rules to the contrary, overtime-exempt employees not required to work during a suspension of operations of less than eight calendar days are not required to use time off to cover time missed but are expected to otherwise work whatever time is necessary to ensure that work requirements and expectations are met.
- Overtime Eligible Employees
- Guaranteed Minimum
When prior notice of an operational suspension has not been given, and in the absence of a specific collective bargaining agreement, Professional Staff Program, or civil service rules that require otherwise, employees who report to work and who are then sent home will receive a minimum of four hours pay.
- Working via Remote Access (Telework) During Suspended Operations
Consistent with a declaration of suspended operations that is in force, and as authorized by the unit head, where a supervisor determines that an employee is able to accomplish job functions via technology tools such as remote computer desktop access, teleconferencing, home computing, Internet access, email, etc., the supervisor may permit the employee to work remotely. The supervisor is responsible for determining that work can be accomplished effectively and safely, and should confirm in writing approval for an employee to work remotely during suspended operations.
Compensation and leave practices for employees who are permitted to work remotely are the same during suspended operations as during regular work periods.
- Suspension Declared as a Result of Order Made by a Public Official
When a local or institutional operation suspension has been declared as a result of an order made by a public official for any health-related reason, any employee who is not required or not allowed to work as a result may use accrued sick time off to cover the period of time away from work due to the health-related operational suspension. If accrued sick time off is not available to an employee, the time off use and compensation provisions under Section 2.B apply.
3. Inclement Weather
The University’s campuses and off-campus operations remain open during periods of inclement weather, unless an operational suspension is declared. During periods of inclement weather, employees are responsible for having alternative transportation plans should snow or other severe weather conditions disrupt normal modes of transportation.
Supervisors may approve employee requests to work less than the regular work schedule or to be absent from work during periods of inclement weather. Approved time off work due to inclement weather is charged to annual vacation time off, personal holiday (full day only), compensatory time, holiday credit, or unpaid time off in accordance with the employee’s appointment type and unit policy. Classified non-union employees may use up to three days of sick time off as outlined in APS 43.15.
4. Extraordinary Circumstances
In accordance with Executive Order No. 27, Section 8, if the President, or the President’s designee, determines that an emergency is of an extraordinarily severe or extended nature, the President, or the President’s designee, may authorize exceptional compensation or time off practices beyond those listed above to sustain or restore operations.
5. Additional Information and Responsible Office
For additional information or assistance, see Executive Order No. 27, Suspended Operation Policy, the Suspended Operations web page, or contact the appropriate Human Resources Service Team Member.
July 19, 2011; June 14, 2018.
For related information, see:
- Executive Order No. 27, “Suspended Operation Policy”
- Administrative Policy Statement 13.1, “Emergency Management”
- Administrative Policy Statement 40.2, “Designation of Classified and Professional Staff Employees Who Perform Essential Services”
- Administrative Policy Statement 43.15, “Time Off and Leave of Absence for Classified Non-Union Staff”