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APS 12.6 – Lockout/Tagout: A Method of Hazardous Energy Control

Table of Contents


(Approved by the Provost and Executive Vice President by authority of Executive Order No. 4 and the Vice President for Finance and Facilities by authority of Administrative Order No. 9) 

1.  Policy

In compliance with Washington State safety regulations, Chapters 296-803 and 296-155 WAC, the University has established a lockout/tagout (LOTO) Safety Program to protect University personnel from the unexpected start-up, energization, or release of stored energy during the servicing and maintenance of equipment.

As an employer, the University must develop and implement a formal, written LOTO program, train personnel in the LOTO program, and enforce the program to ensure hazardous energy is controlled.

Each department is responsible for following the University’s LOTO Safety Program and implementing and enforcing specific LOTO procedures and forms that cover the equipment and hazards unique to their area.

2.  Scope

This policy applies at all locations including the UW Bothell, UW Seattle, and UW Tacoma, jointly owned facilities, all other University owned property, University leased space, and temporary field operations and field trips that are under the control of University operations and staff.

UW Bothell has special considerations related to its colocation with Cascadia College and relationships with local jurisdictions and agencies that affect how this policy is implemented. Consult UW Bothell operating procedures and programs for implementation details.

3.  University Compliance Responsibility

It is University policy that each vice president, vice provost, vice chancellor, dean, director, department chair, and supervisor is responsible for the health and safety performance in each respective unit. This responsibility can be neither transferred nor delegated.

A. Environmental Health and Safety

The Environmental Health and Safety department (EH&S) is responsible for developing, coordinating, and maintaining the University’s LOTO Safety Program in accordance with Washington State Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. EH&S monitors proposed health, safety, and environmental regulations and notifies the campus of regulatory changes. Consultation services, compliance audits and assistance, and LOTO training may also be provided by EH&S.

B. Campus, Organizational Unit, Department

Each campus, department, or organizational unit is responsible for ensuring the protection of its personnel from hazardous energy. These responsibilities include the following:

  1. Adopt and implement the UW LOTO Safety Program, or equivalent.
  2. Develop written procedures to shut down and lock out equipment and machinery.
  3. Train personnel authorized to perform LOTO procedures.
  4. Label all shutoff locations for equipment controlled by the department or unit.
  5. Complete an annual audit of equipment-specific energy isolation procedures.
  6. Provide any outside contractors with department-developed, equipment-specific energy isolation procedures.
  7. Report all injuries, incidents, and near misses involving LOTO or exposure to hazardous energy using the Online Accident Reporting System (OARS).

4.  Compliance Procedures and Guidance

The University’s LOTO Safety Program and more specific information about compliance procedures is available on the EH&S LOTO website.

5.  Relevant State Rules

6.  Additional Information

For further information and specific guidelines and procedures regarding LOTO and energy control, contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department.

May 1994; October 31, 2015.