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APS 10.13 Requirements for University and Third Party Led Youth Programs

(Approved by the President per delegations of authority Executive Order No. 4 and Executive Order No. 9)     

1.  Purpose

The University of Washington promotes safe, high quality engagements with youth that advance the University’s educational and strategic mission. This policy outlines minimum requirements for University operated, sponsored, or hosted youth programs. These requirements serve as safeguards to protect the well-being of youth participating in such programs.

2.  Scope

This policy applies to UW youth programs and authorized youth program personnel. This policy also requires third parties using University facilities through a contractual relationship or other formal partnership with a University unit or department to meet or exceed equivalent standards set forth for UW youth programs.

This policy applies to University events, activities, or programs that serve UW students or the general public if the event, activity, or program is created for or directed at a youth audience.

This policy applies to non-clinical educational programs, activities, and events that are created for or directed at youth audiences and sponsored or delivered by University or University affiliated medical entities. This policy does not apply to clinical services provided by these entities.

3.  Definitions

Authorized Youth Program Personnel or Authorized Personnel—University employees, volunteers, students, and interns who in the course and scope of their duties or while acting at the direction of the University, supervise, chaperone, act as a caregiver for, or otherwise may have unsupervised access to youth in educational events, activities, or programs.

Department or Unit Head—A vice president, vice provost, vice chancellor, dean, chair, director, supervisor, or a designee who has departmental or unit oversight or administrative responsibilities.

Hosting Department or Unit—A University department or unit that provides access to University facilities, resources, or property for a third party youth program.

Third Party Youth Program—A contractor, consultant, vendor, student-run organization, or other non-UW entity operating a youth program on University property through a contractual relationship or other formal partnership (e.g., a relationship that includes written agreements between two or more partners describing roles and responsibilities) with a University department or unit.

UW Youth Program—Event, activity, program, or research, regardless of location, that is operated or sponsored (e.g., using UW branding, funding, etc.) by a University department or unit in which youth are a primary audience.

Youth—Any person or persons under the age of eighteen.

Youth Program—An event, activity, program, or research for which youth are a primary audience.

Youth Program Lead—A University employee responsible for the operation of a UW youth program.

4.  Requirements for Youth Programs

The following represents the minimum requirements for all youth programs. Procedures outlining the actions necessary to comply with these requirements are located in the Protecting Youth at UW policy guide.

A. Registration of UW Youth Programs and Third Party Youth Programs

UW youth programs must register in the Youth Program Registration System (YPRS).

  • Registration must be validated as complete prior to the program start date. A completed registration includes: 1) entry of program and authorized personnel information, 2) certification of compliance with University policy by a UW youth program lead, 3) evidence of compliance with required background screenings and trainings, and 4) evidence of compliance with required trainings.
  • Third party youth programs must be registered in the YPRS by the hosting department or unit prior to the program start date. Registration includes: 1) entry of program information, and 2) certification by the hosting department or unit that the third party youth program has agreed in writing to comply with all relevant University policy.

B. Requirements of Authorized Personnel in Youth Programs

  • Authorized personnel must successfully complete a background screening prior to interacting with youth and every three years thereafter.
  • Authorized personnel who separate from University employment and later return to the University must complete a new background screening prior to interacting with youth.
  • Background screening for University employees, students, and volunteers seeking to receive authorized personnel status will be administered by UW Human Resources or the appointing unit for academic personnel.
  • If at any point while acting as authorized personnel in a youth program an individual is charged with an offense as identified in RCW 43.43.830, they must disclose this information immediately to the department or unit administrator.
  • Prior to interacting with youth, authorized personnel involved in UW youth programs must be trained to perform their assigned duties in a safe and developmentally appropriate manner, including but not limited to completing required training as outlined in the Protecting Youth at UW policy guide.
  • Authorized personnel involved in youth programs must conduct themselves in accordance with the University’s Standards for Interacting with Youth.

C. Reporting Behaviors of Concern

Authorized personnel must notify SafeCampus within 48 hours of becoming aware of any behaviors of concern occurring in a youth program that do not rise to the level of abuse and neglect as defined in Executive Order No. 56 but that would be considered a violation of the University’s Standards for Interacting with Youth.

D. Maintaining a Safe Environment for Youth

Youth programs must adhere to relevant state and federal workplace and environmental safety regulations and EH&S’s Safety Considerations for Youth in STEAM Environments.

E. Emergency and Safety Planning and Response

Youth programs must maintain safeguards and precautions appropriate for the youth in their care, and must have a plan in place in the event of a natural disaster, active threat, or other emergency.

All departments and units who host or operate youth programs must reflect specific considerations for youth programs in their unit’s Fire Safety Evacuation Plan (FSEP).

Youth programs must have procedures in place for responding to known health conditions and health emergencies experienced by participating youth.

F. Privacy

Youth programs must process personal data in accordance with requirements outlined in the Protecting Youth at UW policy guide.

5.  Exceptions

Employees, volunteers, students, or interns who are involved in a youth program but who do not supervise, chaperone, act as a caregiver for, or otherwise have unsupervised access to youth in educational events, activities, or programs are not subject to the requirements of this policy that pertain to authorized personnel.

Third party led research (i.e., research that is designed and conducted by a non-UW entity on UW youth, with no UW principal investigator) is not subject to the requirements of this policy.

6.  Procedures

Procedures necessary to comply with these requirements can be found in the Protecting Youth at UW policy guide.

7.  Responsible Office and Additional Information

For additional information contact the Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator. This office provides guidance for policy implementation and compliance.

8.  History

September 3, 2019; RC, July 27, 2021.

For related information see:

  • Executive Order No. 12, “The Deans”
  • Executive Order No. 31, “Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action”
  • Executive Order No. 51, “Sexual Violence Elimination”
  • Executive Order No. 54, “Employee–Student Romantic Relationships and Conflicts of Interest”
  • Executive Order No. 55, “University Health and Safety Programs: Policy and Responsibilities”
  • Executive Order No. 56, “Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect”
  • Administrative Policy Statement 2.2, “University Privacy Policy”
  • Administrative Policy Statement 10.9, “Visitors and Children in Labs and Shops”
  • Administrative Policy Statement 44.3, “Employment of Minors”