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EO 21   Performing Arts Activities Policy

  1. The assignment of faculty and students to perform various teaching activities within the scope of performing arts education is the exclusive responsibility of the University of Washington and its several departments. Such assignments are made solely on the basis of educational requirements, and are not predicated on affiliation or lack thereof by faculty or students with non-University organizations. The functions to be performed, the compensation to be paid, and all other terms and conditions of the assignment are determined by the appropriate University authority.
  2. The University of Washington seeks persons for its performing arts faculty whose creative scholarship must extend beyond classroom competency in such a manner as to demonstrate overall academic and artistic achievement. Appointments to the performing arts faculty are made on the basis of professional competency, without regard to outside organizational membership. In turn, the measurements for promotion and the granting of tenure require that the faculty member demonstrate his or her competence through a variety of scholarly activities that may include his or her public performance as an artist.
    1. The nature of the University of Washington’s broad commitment to teaching, research, and public service requires that the University’s courses of study cannot, and should not, be limited to traditional classroom instruction between teacher and student. Instruction of students by faculty through performance is an indispensable part of the University’s educational responsibility. This may take the form of student performances, faculty performances, or performances in which both participate. A creative interchange between similar institutions is also indispensable.
    2. In addition, the University’s responsibility calls for the use of such teaching media as extension services, educational television, and other University-sponsored programs which may involve individual or group performances. Collectively, these and other continuing educational activities are the University’s means of extending new knowledge and educational experiences to the state’s population which looks to its principal state university to fulfill its educational needs.
    3. The University also recognizes its responsibility to insure that the many aspects of this teaching program, particularly in the areas of music and drama in continuing education, do not inadvertently impinge on what may be legitimate non-teaching, professional performances arranged by promoters, agencies, or associations having public entertainment as their objective. Therefore, in the scheduling of University-sponsored productions or as pertains to credit, non-credit, or continuing education programs the appropriate dean or director will assign only formally appointed University faculty members or regularly enrolled students to such activities. The assignment of such faculty and students, particularly as it pertains to performances for student credit, will be made only on the basis of the teaching responsibilities or educational assignment of the individual.
  3. Because of the special character of performances involving the faculty and students of the Schools of Music and Drama, the University will also observe the following:
    1. Faculty members may be expected to be regularly assigned to credit and non-credit performances as pertain to their University responsibilities. No compensation over and above regular faculty salary will be made for such performances, since they are considered part of regularly assigned duties.
    2. Students assigned to credit or non-credit performances as part of their regular student responsibilities will not receive compensation except when appropriate under the prevailing teaching assistant, research assistant, or student assistant rate.
    3. Nominal admission fees for performances, whether on campus or off campus, will be charged only in those cases where such revenue is necessary to help defray actual expenses, or to provide scholarship funds.
  4. The Schools of Music and Drama have established certain performing groups, composed of faculty and students, which are used for training and instructional purposes, or for University-authorized activities.

June 1, 1972.

For related information, see:

  • Student Governance and PoliciesChapter 201, “Participation”